
3 years, 29 days ago


Name: Zeta
Age: 24
Gender: Male

A handsome and energetic guy who has no qualms about speaking his mind. Friendly, overly so, and very physically affectionate.

Arriving to Earth in the present from the Future, Zeta is an energetic and curious guy who has absolutely no filter whatsoever. He arrived in what he presumes was the country side of this area of Earth and encountered a guy around his age working away. Happy and excited to meet his first human from the current time period he rushed over and introduced himself, and since then he's just never left the guy alone, pestering him with questions after questions about the things and technology around him.
He finds it fascinating!! Sure technology wasn't as advanced as what he's used to, but he knew that when traveling through time and he likes seeing how everything developed and improved upon past ideas and creations.

He loves learning and is non-stop asking questions, often recording himself on his device and even talking to a friend on it that's elsewhere. He enjoys the city a lot more with it's big buildings and high energy life, dragging Haku around to satisfy his whims.