




Full Name Miyuki Nageki
A.k.a. Nexcer (Monstersona name)
Species Human (Prodemian)
Ethnicity Asian
Age 18 (Young Adult)
Birth Details Born on the 14th of August 2375 on Prodem
Diet Omnivore
Height 167 cm
Gender Female (Trans)
Pronouns she, her, hers, herself
Sexuality Lesbian
Religion ---

Short Description

Miyuki is a quiet girl who struggles with maintaining relationships but she is not shy or docile. She is a well-adjusted and usually reasonable person who many come to appreciate for her breadth of competences and thoughtfulness. However, she hates compromising and loses her composure easily when things don't go her way. She is very invested in herself as has particularly latched onto her long tongue as an important part of her identity. She always held a desire to become more than human and being an Akaname is how she now lives out this desire.

Powers & Abilities

Species Traits

  • Full Body RT
  • The entire body except for the brain has been replaced with artificially made replacements.
  • The body appears as a humanoid exoskeleton with a layer of skin 3D-printed over it. While it generally operates like a biological body, it can be greatly modified to fit the owner's needs and preferences.
  • Non-vital body parts can be easily taken off and replaced as needed. The body parts are standardized and have the ability to shift their size to fit the owner's body type. Their heads are equipped to survive without the body for 3 days.
  • The body has an internal computer (IC) which comes with many applications one could also find on a smartphone (internet access, a chat client, a calendar and clock, etc.). Notably, the eyes record video footage of all they see to be reviewed or shared. The hands are equipped with a holographic emitter to show images and videos.
  • When Miyuki became a Stüpp, she regrew a regular exoskeleton, though it incorporated many of the functions of the RT body somehow. She can no longer detach body parts though.

Learned Skills

  • Knitting/Sewing
  • Gardening


  • ---


  • Akaname
  • Long Tongue - Akaname have 3,000 ft long tongues that are stored in the abdomen in place of the intestines. Tongue is still rooted in the mouth but folds back down an extra tube in the throat and back up the same. Tongue can stretch in width up to 1 m.
  • Tasting - Akaname can taste their surroundings from afar in a 50 meter radius. They can taste the emotional state of others and if they're lying.
  • Bite - Akaname have shark-like, regrowable teeth and a strong jaw that can bite through things with the hardness of steel.
  • Stomach - Akaname have their entire digestion process combined inside the stomach, the obsolete organs making room for the tongue. They can digest anything without waste, including plastic, steel and poison.
  • Saliva - Akaname saliva can completely disinfect any surface it touches. Tongue is usually only coated in a fine layer to still be dry enough to keep a grip. Tongue can salivate more excessively at will.
  • Stüpp
  • Smelling - Stüpps can smell their surroundings from afar in a 50 meter radius. They can track known smells over even further distances.
  • Lung Capacity - Stüpps can store enough oxygen in their lungs to last them for 8 hours.
  • Fire Breath - Stüpps can create a flammable gas that combusts in contact with air.
  • Inhalation - Stüpps can inhale with a suction with the wind force of 9 Bft.
  • Storage - Stüpps have a magical storage organ they can inhale things into. Size is ignored inside the organ, but it has to fit through the mouth.
  • Bones - Stüpp bones cannot break, but will bend under pressure that would break an ordinary bone. The bone will try to regain its shape with the force of 4,000 Newton. All bones can be dislocated without discomfort and they'll automatically snap back into place if possible.
  • Muscles - Stüpp muscles cannot tear and will stretch instead.
  • Claws - Stüpps can sharpen their fingers into claws. This usually turns their hands black.
  • Beak - Stüpp can harden their nose like their claws and elongate it into a beak-like shape.

World-Specific Powers

  • Promise: Babymetal (Horologia)
  • Miyuki can conjure metals or turn herself into metal, though she cannot shapeshift. She also gains immunity to potential traits of metals, like radioactivity and she can safely conduct electricity.content
  • Promise: Live & Learn (Hades' Promise)
  • Using his Promise, Hades transferred his muscle memory to her. As he was a spy well versed in combat and an Akaname as well, this made Miyuki much more adept at using her abilities, though she might not always have the fortitude of mind to do so.

Misc. Information

Fashion Style

Miyuki is a fan of big sweaters, but as a hobby fashion designer, she got used to wearing wildly different styles. She only hates cocktail dresses with a passion and while she appreciates the optics of suits, she doesn't like wearing them herself.

Disabilities, Etc.


Family & Friends

She loves her mother Kokoro very much. It's still a bit weird between her and her mother's girlfriend Muse and her new half-sibling Sam. Miyuki is dating November.


Miyuki used to write stories on the internet about ner Monstersona Nexcer. Bow has read these with Trixie but Miyuki doesn't know about it and they didn't realize it was her for the longest time either.

Old/Outdated Data

Her Promise used to be called Metal the Devil and Devil to the Metal.

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