


2 years, 9 months ago


TL;DR: Lucina is a tall dragoness goddess centered around concepts of goodliness, charity, and erotic intimacy. She's elegant, deliberate, foxy, both motherly and cool at the same time, witty, and observant. She exudes charisma and gives off a commanding and alluring aura. She hides among mortalkind as a respected sorceress and consult. Shrewd and untouchable in a fight, she instead prefers to keep as low a profile as someone with the visage of a queen can manage.

Personality: A fallen goddess living covertly among mortal kind. she previously was a minor deity that represented fertility, loyalty, charity, romance, generosity, gratitude, love, and kinkiness. she's a bit sassy, warm and cold at the same time. She can be quite motherly and quite aloof moment to moment. Lucina is very sly, always elegant, and has thousands of years of experience in all magics, alchemy, enchantments, and trickery. She helps out the other townsfolk as a notable shaman, wizard, and apothecary. Shrines to her previous goddess self still exist but followers are rare

Appearance: Her clothing is usually a nice mix of regal, elegant, and practical. Robes, togas, and jewelry are not uncommon. she has no qualms with dressing skimpy either. Greek, Roman, and Indian themes are great inspirations. She carries a golden staff with her, which can also be stored and summoned from a portal. she's at least 8 feet tall and looks strong without detracting from her matriarchal build.

Fighting: She prefers nonlethal combat against sapient opponents. When she can't disarm a situation with her words, she enjoys a playful spar that would test the mettle of even the greatest heroes. Divine perception and reaction time paired with millennia of training have made her shockingly nimble in spite of her stature. Keeping her cool through sidesteps and parries, tapping, teasing, and tripping her opponent with tail and staff, tossing them around with bursts of force magic, encouraging them to realize how pitifully outmatched they are brings her a twisted satisfaction. If they're too brazen to stand down, a hard bonk ensures they won't be standing back up anytime soon. Her magic capable of evaporating a small town, there's few creatures in the physical world that could prove a match. Unfortunately for her, most of the dozen minor deities could, and any of the major seven could easily kill her.

Limitations: Despite her strength, she finds herself unable to enact the change she wants to see in the world. She's forbidden by the Gods to meddle in major affairs between mortals' free will in the chaotic balance between good and evil, preventing her from personally overthrowing cruel leaders and authoritarians herself. Both major and minor deities must work through a system of appointing and blessing mortal heroes to act on their behalf. She also has to be careful considering that most adept magic users can sense displacement and ripples through the mana in the air. Magic of her caliber could easily send waves dozens of miles, alerting thousands to her presence. She still wishes to smite systematic evil, and plays roles advising and manipulating nobles at the local level to at least play a small influence within the city she calls home. She has a rocky rivalry with one of the Seven (major gods), a goddess that stands for the same concepts of light, but also of sexual purity, chastity, and dedicated monogamy. Lucina's promiscuous nature and inferior status has made her the target of scrutiny from what might be viewed as an overbearing mentor figure. They occasionally, but begrudgingly, banded together towards the same goals. This Goddess has replaced Lucina in blessing her current followers.

Magic: While capable of any magic available to mortalkind, she most often uses dragon hoard pocket dimensions, force/wind/telekineses, nature, perception, illusion, healing, intimate blessings, and liquid metal that leaps from her clawtip and wraps into hardened forms (useful for crafting, jewelry, bondage, and capture) She's one of only a handful of beings in her world capable of summoning long range portals or walking between dimensions. Her wings can be summoned off and on in their entirety.

Despite being a fertility and virility goddess, she cannot have a child of her own; a bittersweet blessing that she gives to others. All of her lovers pass away in time. Lucina is one of multiple gods that have given blessings of gender transformation to trans individuals.

Home: a modest home, one of the smallest on the edge of the noble part of town. her extra bedrooms are dedicated to being studies and spaces for enchantments and potion making. she keeps a fair amount of plants, and has exquisite opulent taste in architecture and knickknacks. Sunlight streams in through windows, her bedroom has more than enough space for two, with a lovely view into her large garden. the fountain has a stream that trickles through a wide groove that cuts through the room, giving the gentle impression of an indoor brook.

Sexuality: Pansexual; She's open to sleeping around with those who are not in a committed monogomous relationship, preferring those whose hearts she has discerned as pure or well intentioned. She has a very long sloppy tongue ;V. She's cisgendered but can summon a shaft, preferring human or equine shapes. It turns out one can do so many terribly sexy things with portals.

Weenie Version: