Cameron Darien Yerusii



6 years, 9 months ago


"It's my job to find solutions."

Name: Cameron Darien Yerusii

Nickname: Cam, Cammy

Gender: Male

DOB: February 8th

Zodiac: Fruvelus

Age: 29

Height: 6'1ft

Weight: 13.9 stone

Build: Tall and slightly muscular

Element: Plant (Interalised)

Class: Enchanter

Location: Eyeus Royal Lands, the Orchersi household.

Occupation: Guard

Weapon(s): Makibishi

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Cameron is a very curious character, experimenting with herbs and plants to make potions to help others. Unfortunately, he's a bit clumsy - measuring out chemicals incorrectly and causing colourful explosions. Despite his track record he always offers his skills to help other people. His traps are the thing most people find useful, despite them being over-elaborate. He's determined like many of his brothers, putting a lot of effort into his work and obsessing over it. He aspires to be the best potion-maker ever.


Much like his other brothers, Cameron had his mother seemingly disappear and leave when he was young. Left confused, he'd often question his father.

After Cameron grew older, he found asking his father questions to be pointless. He then invested his time into making potions that could help others instead of thinking about his missing mother.

Currently, he continues working towards a potion that could help him find his mother - creating other useful and some not so useful potions in the process.

Theme: WIP


- Does chemical experiments. (Normally end badly.)

- Makes new potions all the time.

- Wants to make a potion that will bring his mother back.