


2 years, 9 months ago


The sifting snowdrifts of Erredas, the frozen ocean, are a strange place. A seemingly timeless place, depsite it's proximity to it's host star. Even stranger are it's inhabitants, beings scattered about, lost to time as they are trapped upon the frozen surface. Among those who are unfortunate to be lost here, very few are caught beneath it's ever growing, ever shifting landscape. An ancient, crumpled and in severe pain finds himself there, alone within the snowdrifts. Alone with nothing but his cracked core and the searing pain that comes from it. A scientist locked in a prison of his own making.
In the times of old, the universe was a vastly different place. Space was in its infancy, the sun entity empire was at it's fullest, and life, granted inorganic, was in full swing. With the rise the Ancients came Avalon and his own created family. Raising the generation of headstrong and loyal scientists who were hellbent on helping him achieving his lifelong goal.
Built from stone, the stoic Amser was to head the project of ensuring nothing went wrong with the Gate. A man made for studying the effects of temporal displacement and warding the disturbances when the machine was activated. With his core being able to see the flow of time much more clearly and fleshed out than a normal being bound to the 3rd dimension, he was able to complete his task flawlessly. Preforming his duty of stablizing the unstable components within the gate. Monitoring everything as well as crunching the numbers to prevent a catastrophe down the line. For eons he had done so under the guidance of his Father and Mentor, Avalon. Until it all came crashing down overhead.
As all things are in life, no one and nothing is perfect. Amidst the hundreds of thousands of information flowing in and out of his core, something slipped within his grasp allowing for the oversight to occur. A slight deviation in the temporal energy caused a runaway cascade, a hyperconstructive wave of energy surging, reverberating throughout the machinations within the machine. The swirling energies within the machine caused by an unknown variable swirled with one another, ripping apart the fabric of space and time as the gate itself experienced a violent exothermic reaction. It exploded, tearing the asteroid in which the outpost was stationed asunder and casting the important pieces of the gate afar across the infant galaxies. Amidst the pieces, the Interdimensional Tear and it's watcher, Amser, spiraling through time to an unknown era and location. Rippling across the great expanses that make our universe.
In one instant there was silence, and then violent pressure bearing down upon the infant world, fresh out of it's bombardment period and in the midst of a nasty glaciation. There is the destination, as two beams of light fell upon the unprepared planet. Fallen upon the snowball and to be forever locked in time from the violent surge that slammed deeply into it.
Both it and Amser lost to it, unknown to the universe for eons to pass. Forgotten and cast unto the perfect prison.