Corone Cortiz



6 years, 9 months ago


 Full name: Corone Cortiz
 Nicknames: Corey, Coco

 World: Scourge II (Pre-to-Post Bleed Viern)
 Nationality: O'vair (France)
 Class: Weapons Specialist
 Affiliation: Side Protagonist

 Gender: Male
 Age: 17
Orientation: Homosexual
     A P P E A R A N C E S
 Human appearance
Short  (like 4' 7"?) and angry little man. He is Caucasian with blonde hair  and red eyes, and doesn't quite care about his outfit, though he likes  to have plenty of weapons available. His physically weak af, but  mentally has the fury of a angry god (though he's well aware of this)
 Form appearance
His animal form is that of a white goose with black and white marks, red eyes, and a golden ridged beak.
He likes to have weapons available at all times and doesn't feel safe if he's without one.
Shep carries his large rifle.
     P E R S O N A L I T Y
Small and furious; he's a stubborn but loyal bird who will angrily protect his friends with all the firepower he has. It takes a while to earn his respect, but once you do that means he won't insult you all the time, which is a plus. He also automatically trusts anyone that Mal trusts, and most people that Shep trusts, and though he may be grumpy about it, he makes sure to always have at least a decent amount of respect for Mal's decisions (though that doesn't mean he would never speak against them). In some situations, he likes to be the center of attention, though that can occasionally get him in trouble. His character arc goes from being a total dick to actually having respect and social skills.
Action/excitement (that doesn't involve Yoa's weird definition), personal space, order, military technology
He'd like hiking if the world wasn't a zombie-infested wasteland
Shepherd convinced him to like cooking
Annoying & evil people; he's annoyed by pathetic/cowardly people, though doesn't like to admit he has the instinct to protect them
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Unnamed, but he lived a relatively normal life in the city with an interest in the military.
Shepherd is his platonic gay pal
 Friends with Mal
Allies with PARA & Mal's friends
At odds with Hcayoa
 Enemies with Hazan, Sorodon & friends, & Mal's Enemies
    B A C K S T O R Y
He lived a generally normal life. His interests focused around the military, and among them, he was mainly divided over weapons or aviation. He is averagely educated in both topics.
The Bleed occurred during a normal visit to the city's urban areas (as he lived more towards the suburban outskirts), and he awoke a week or so after the cataclysmic event just like everyone else. Alone, he survived in the city for a bit before breaking his wing when trying to escape a horde of the zombie-like cultists that now haunted the city, but was luckily rescued by Mal and Shepherd. While Mal doesn't necessarily want companionship, he and Shep agreed that Corone's best bet was to come along with them, and so he was welcomed into the now-trio. Though by no means an expert, his familiarity with military survival tactics and weaponry is far greater than most other survivors, making him a useful companion.
At first he was at odds with both of them, though mostly with Mal, whose strange and distant personality he disliked (and whose leadership position he, by default, felt stubbornly threatened by). During the beginning, he was certainly a bit problematic, at times making it clear that he'd prefer to be the leader himself, though he had to stay with and respect the duo for survival sake as long as his wing was injured--being both injured and small, his opinion was usually dwarfed by the big gruff dog, and he begrudgingly dealt with it when he had to. While Mal was mildly annoyed by this, he ultimately didn't care, and still tolerated the rude bird. Gradually and across various life-threatening adventures, Corone came to respect and befriend his allies, and the 3 buds are certainly the closest trio of all the members in PARA. The reason they stay within PARA's main fleet despite having easy replacement is probably because of this history.
When they found the ship that would become part of PARA's main fleet, Corone's limited aviation knowledge is one of the main reasons they were able to claim the thing, with assistance from its previous owner.
He often rides around on Shepherd as a goose. Sometimes as a human too, since he's small.
He strongly dislikes and distrusts Yoa, though he has to deal with her because Mal says so.