Carter's Comments

EA sports (i cant think of anything else to say but i love him)

I love the character it really incoryable: o its design I like it very much it makes me bandaged with my favorite anime character Vanitas I don't know if you know the anime

So I can imagine this character very well as being a great, very powerful and renowned magician, a rather very mysterious character but at the same time charming and sarcastic.

I also imagine him traveling in several world in search of a new magic or a new student ready to learn all his know-how

sorry if I speak a lot the character inspires me enormously his design speaks to me a lot in any case he is really beautiful really the design is sublime

May I ask what are the requirements for a future owner of this absolute king? 

I just wanna know if i have any chance of getting him he-he! 

I've never heard of this CS before, and now I'm in absolute love!! the little gommys are so cute!! And precious!! If possible I'd love a chance to be considered for this guy. I'd absolutely draw him in his little Gommy  form, as well better develop him as a character, with a  backstory, playlist, ect, he is such a royal prince and so cute!! I just really love his design :3

Thank you so very much for the opportunity!! And the best of luck to everyone!! And congrats to whoever wins this little lad.

Thank you so very Very much!!  I'll take great care of him :3

I’d love to be considered for him too! I think he’ll be a great addition to my Palace story. Ty for the opportunity!

Oh my gosh! They are so pretty, I would love to adopt them!

I would likely put them into Spirit Realm (a story/world that I made that has no main characters but still have a story line)

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Oh he so pretty, if be is avaliable I honestly would love to have him as a possible oc to adore yet draw a lot as a comfort with my others I have! He honestly would also make a great character to develop overtime as well when I use him for a possible hidden lore that would have secrets locked about him to then later unravel! He could also be friends with Lullaby ^^

I would just love to have him and draw him honestly (όꇴὸ๑)

AAHHHHHH may I have him? he's so cute and handsome TvT and i would love to draw him♡ 

OMG so adorable! I would love to adopt them if still available! (most of my ocs are ferals, not yet given a human form or anything, but this lad is gorgeous!) 

If not, I can offer almost anything on my TH for them (just so beautiful XD), excluding Main and some others, please let me know thanks so much!