


2 years, 9 months ago


Alien General comissioned from Artist Shark-Byte who made his versions and drew him after my description (and made him even more awesome! Thank you!)

Has varient colorforms for different reasons. 


The species: 

Argorath belongs to an alien species beyond any humansight of the universe. This species is more on the big dominant side of invading planets and taking what isnt theirs. They like to keep things that they want despite what the other thinks. As their strength, cunningness and brutal force clearly shows. Rarely to none have been defeated and they find alot of things fascinating and interesting. 

Nowadays they analyse before deciding to take over a planet (if it is worth, resources and more) and simply move in. They dont care if the weaker species die out as they are more supreme. It later has come to their attention that some species make excellent prizes, goods for working and even entertain (from Arena, pet and errand ones) they learn from them without them letting known. Many have fallen under their hands. 

The species have a well structured hierachy on who has the say in what..both king and queen rule as they decide in a council what is best. Usually the royals give a strict tone.

They do enjoy entertainment and make part what they like. Always used to winning and like a "spoiled kid" get angry if they dont get what they want. Temper tantrums end usually bloody as they let their anger flow. The species do cooperate with the "Derkkis market" where they will come by once a month to "claim" what they want (in trade for not killing them as well as not to miss out on the newest "things" to get) it is said that they are a type of collector and like dragons they fiercly protect what is (now) theirs. 

(Imagine someone seeking adopts or clothings to get, they are the same in a way. If they like they get. Sadly wihout paying or asking) 

There are rarely species that can stand against them. Coordinated like bees or ants, strategic brilliant and strong in both battle and combat of mind to a brim. They do however will keep those strog ones under a "leash" and fake it in order to not lose control. They learn from them to improve theselves and will be stubborn on it (example later where General Argorath want s to know the fighting texhnique and blacksmith  way but cant make it first try as Val denies)

Beyond many, their own ways and traditions can be... weird but also exciting (if one isnt on the other end) they can take one up and give the rank as "part of them" letting others know you are off limts and wont be treated badly. But it takes alot to be accepted as one of them. This can be through saving one of them (if you can manage), big respect, hunting  success and many more. One just needs to find out. 

The more one has, the more important he is. The species pride themselves with their "treasures" from owning land, other species, animals, clothings,  items and such. Showing the inportance ranked through this. Meaning not to mess with as well. 

They have no shame infront of others. One might even strip and wear the clothings they want or walk around freely in their own quarters. Its a type of dominance. They find naked and partly clothed skin appealing and have their own "romantic " ways. 



The heating ways. One can say that this species is an interesting take. 

As the males anatomy have a '"hidden pouch" which is well protected, lets member/dick be unrevealed. When aroused, the pouch becomes "soft" and silky. The dick so to speak of males (standard) is a long form having two soft tentacle smooth like on each side that can easily wrap around to hold on. The females have a smooth surface for easy access. 



while english and more exist, these species talk way differently and for others it sounds like a mix of snarls, angry noises and clicks. Combine with breathing and taking fast with each other. For them its nornal talking as if humans would, but to outsiders it sounds as if they were angry all the time and would jump any moment. 


Argorath is the top Alien General of his own lil group as they travel with their ships to seek other planets. With his decisions and ways, many find him admirable and strong. Next to travelling, he does hang out in the royal area and trains the others or attends to his garden. (That is a secret as some see it as "weak" to take care of plants) but through this and a former alien who had shown him (she sadly died through his rivals  hands) one found many reasons to keep flowers (healing ability, tea, etc) which makes those having a garden, flowers and such as a luxury and only few besides the royals, have. 

Argaroth is a mighty warrior and he shows no mercy in battle towards those who deny his demands. Many encountered him with a big fear and respect combined and of course many do not wish to be slain by him.

He does have his moments and seems like one of the more... calmer and softer of his species when alone. He owns some pets and species as his own and some even say treats them..better. As he had learned if one fears, one cant have it long. He earns gifts through his high up "Batoosie" (who stands directly under the king and queen) meaning he gets his orders from there on both sides and only if allowed may he have gifts or call certain things his own. If he wishes to own something (or someone) he will ask his "Batoosie" and when allowed to speak to the royals, ask directly. (As he had done once before)

Tactical smart is more on the brute force. He maintains his body to perfection and wont show any weakness or pain infront of others. 

His own big quarter on the ship as well as at home and one of his lands he owns, are a section not many can always see. 

Owning a big chunk of land as he checks every 2 weeks there on a thursday. Using what he had learned from other species. Sure compared to others he is different, but still not to be messed with. He kills those who murder for fun or revenge and will make sure it is not forgotten. His own land is well taken care of as one of his subordinates had remained there to do as Argorath had ordered. Kind of a "mayor" in a way. 

His quarters at hiw own spaceship is something he only would let a personal pet or servant in. Never others. Casual mating now and then with the chosen crew can also happen. 

Argorath is a most dangerous beeing to outsiders and a fierce warrior. As mentioned through his ways, alot has changed. 

While getting noticed of a Derkkis ship beeing boarded, he stops to investigate and stumbling upon Henati, 2 other guys  (for now) and Val who were freeing the "cargo" ordering to take hostage and for trial held. As alot of "goods" had been freed sice months and this was a no go. He held the two in captivity and not understanding a word, would plan to use the captive Alien one to translate.

With Doc Varuka, the species have obtained alot of knowledge and more. 

While Henati was chosen by his rival, he claimed Val as prize and first placing her in the arena as she was fighting. Seeing that this weird alien before him was capable of more after letting Doc Varuka investigate on her and her friend. Later challenging his rival to obtain Henati as he didnt want the other to be taken. Learning so more on the two in person. As well as their friends. 

He gets a fondness to one of them as he keeps the one close.

Argorath has color palettes just like his species in general. Blue is the standard form and taken well. The brown reddish type is battle/fight as well as aggrivated. A clear sign not to mess with him. The green appears with stronger feelings, combined along.

Its never clear what he really thinks 

Val at start didnt know the languageuntil she learned and gained the info herself, soon beeing able to "communicate" 
