


2 years, 9 months ago







Cis Male (He/Him)






Pitch is a nervous little creature especially when it comes to interacting with others. He prefers the company of bugs and plants and mostly keeps to himself and his gardens. The rare interactions he does have are usually to defend a bug.

Pitch's love of bugs encompasses insects, arachnids, and some arthropods. However, even Pitch acknowledges that killing dangerous bugs, such as ticks, is for the best. He thinks of it as self-preservation. It's not something he wants to do, but it's something he has to do if he wants to survive. This doesn't stop him from apologizing or crying over the dead bugs.

Though he's normally quiet, Pitch's social anxieties also make him prone to oversharing. When asked about something that interests him, like bugs, he can go from zero to a hundred really fast and talk the askers ears off. He knows he does this and has to make a conscious effort to stop himself for fear of annoying whoever he's talking to.

Needless to say, Pitch is easily embarrassed and any positive feedback is usually met with this embarrassment. He is not good at accepting praise and may try to brush it off by talking badly about himself.

Pitch is slow to warm up to others, however, anyone who's patient with him and kind to bugs has a good chance of being thought of as a friend or more. Unfortunately, with all his awkwardness, Pitch is also the type to get immature, little crushes on anyone who's nice to him.

|The Pitcher|

Pitchertail's pitcher is essentially a second stomach.

Inside the pitcher is a sweet-smelling but acidic liquid that digests anything that falls into it. Its sweet smell attracts bugs, which would fall in and drown without Pitch's constant vigilance.

Most bugs and other edible things falling into the pitcher don't hurt Pitch. They are actually good for him and can provide him with extra nutrients over the course of a few days. Assuming he doesn't fish them out for one of his bug burials of course.

Inedible things, such as stray leaves, or a poisonous bug, falling into his pitcher can hurt Pitch and often make him sick. As careful as he is, walking around with his stomach open to anything means anything can get into his stomach. Pitch's sicknesses don't usually last long or become severe because of how quick he is to remove the inedible objects, but they are fairly common.

|Pitch's Home|

Pitch lives in a run-down little thatch house. He's not the best at making repairs and often doesn't bother as long as the roof doesn't leak and he's not falling through the floor.

On two sides of his house, Pitch keeps little gardens full of sweet-smelling, bug-friendly plants. The purpose of the gardens is to overpower the scent coming from his pitcher and help keep bugs from getting into it while he sleeps.


- Pitch is based on the Crimson Pitcher Plant, but his pitcher attaches like a Great Pitcher Plant because it made more sense for a tail.

- Pitch was designed by me to be part of a species which have since disbanded, so he's his own little creature now.