Henry Fitzgerald



2 years, 9 months ago


Name:  Henry Eros Fitzgerald
Alias: Do they have any nicknames?

Real Name: 

Current Age: 21
Age of Death:  If they had died- what was the age they died at?
Gender: Cis Male
Ethical Origin: He's a Hybrided from the Capital City specifically.
Place of Origin: Where did they originally come from or heard from?
Species:  Hybrided

Personality: He's a chill guy most of the time. He often likes to go with the flow. He is the type of person that everyone wants to talk to. It doesn't matter what a person needs. Advice? He'll give it. Money, he'll hand it over! He cares deeply about people and can often be seen chatting with others. He also can be seen at many events (especially parties). He's mostly known though for one thing, his artwork. Henry is a famous artist who is well known for his featuring of hybrided culture. He's most well known for his statues and portraits, but he's up for anything and everything. His art often focuses on his 3 lovers, especially Claude. 

Henry also is skilled with charisma. His very nature causes people to trust him. He almost will never take advantage of his ability, but at times he is the only one to diffuse a tense situation.

Birthdate: What day and year they were born?

Date Of Death: If they had died- what was the date?

Astrological Sign: What is sign of the Western Zodiac they fall under?

Birthplace: Where were they born?
Blood Type: 

Sexual Preference:  Bisexual

Relationship:  He is with three people, Claude, Chloe, and Erikson. He adores them all sincerely. 

Cause of Death: If they are dead- How did they die and what caused it?

Alignment: Who are they usually on side with if they are on a specific person's side?

Affiliation: Chloe's Guild, as well as any artists he becomes friends with.
Occupation: A Famous artist.
Figure: How do you describe their body type/features? (Tall, Athletic, Bulky, Muscular...etc)
Skin Tone: Pale
Hair/feathers: Brown
Eyes: Red.
Left/ Right handed: Right.
Place/Type of Residence: Where do they live now?
Languages Spoken: What languages do they speak and how fluently they speak the languages?
Favorite color: 

Fears: What are they afraid of?

Interests: What do they like to do or enjoy doing?

Good, Neutral or Bad?: 

Distinguishing Features: What features on their body or face distinguish them from any other characters?

Official Backstory: Do they have an official story?

Official Theme Songs: King of Echo Park, Take a Slice, Waterfalls Coming Out Your Mouth, Pools (Shared with Claude)

Battle Theme:

Special items: 

  • Do they have any items they carry around that have importance to the character?

Weapons: Do they have or carry any weapons?


  • What are the skills that can give them an upper hand in situations?

Magic/Special Abilities:

  • Do they have any special powers or abilities that they use to their advantage?

How They kills/wounds in Combats:

  • How do they fight and/or kill in a combat situation?


  • What abilities do they have or skills that help them during a fight or bad situation or in general?


  • What are they weakest to or cause them to break emotionally or psychically in a fight or bad situation?


  • Childhood: Henry was born in a horrible situation. His mom never loved him. Not even when he was first born. He was one of the oldest siblings out of 14, and their mom could care less. His only escape was drawing. He was often yelled at for doodling on the walls, but it kept him calm. 
  • Adolescence: He ran away at age 11. he couldn't take it any more. One night when his family was sleeping, he snuck out of his house, taking nothing but the clothes on his back. He stole enough money to get him to the capital city. He wanted so badly to become something more, even though he felt like he didn't deserve it. He was homeless for a while, but he didn't mind. At least he was finally away from them. However, Henry would soon find himself in a amazing situation.
  • Adulthood: 


  • Parents: (Do they have Birth or Foster Parents? Are they alive or deceased?)
  • Children: (Any offspring?)
  • Relatives: (Any Brothers or Sisters or any other family members?)
  • Partner: (Do they have a girlfriend/boyfriend; husband/wife? Or are they single?)
  • Familiar: (Do they have a guardian spirit or animal used for assistance?)
  • Mentors: (Any people they looked up for advice or teachings?)
  • Friends: (Any close friends?)
  • Allies: (Who will they help or be helped by?)
  • Rivals: (Who do they rival with or don't see eye to eye with?)
  • Enemies: (Who they hate or consider to be an enemy?)


  • What are their behavioral kinks in their characterization?

Pets: Do they have any pets?


  • What are their most memorable sayings?


  •  Any other misc. information about the character that we need to know?