Sonas (Storm)



3 years, 8 months ago


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Storm Gale

AFAB • 21 • INFP

"We sound like a bad joke. Y'know, one of those 'An owl, a human, a crow, and a jackal walked into a bar' kinds of jokes. Not a good look for us."

  • CREATOR AcrylicIce
  • DESIGNER AcrylicIce
Okay, I won't like. That was kinda wicked.
  • BIRTHDAY November 16
  • RACE Owl Faunus
  • BLOOD TYPE Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Huntsman
  • SEXUALITY Unknown
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown


  • FOOD Unknown
  • COLOUR Blue
  • NUMBER 88
  • ANIMAL Unknown
  • SEASON Fall
  • TIME OF DAY Dusk
  • GENRE Romance


unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png

Put your character's profile here. This box will scroll.

Unwilling leader of Team SCCL (Scandal), Storm was essentially thrown to the wolves when the teams were decided. Skittish, uncertain, scatterbrained. They did not make for a good leader, too prone to attempting to appease the other parties and very rarely standing up for themself. It took a lot of work, but they managed to break out of their shell just as their world crumbled around them. Now they desperately scour the continents, searching for their lost teammates and answers to unanswered questions that plague their nights.


Put your character's personality here.

Morbi tincidunt erat eu malesuada porta. Fusce et augue neque. Donec vel urna mauris. Praesent ex nunc, lacinia et consectetur ut, elementum cursus nisl. Quisque dictum dui tempus eleifend rutrum. Maecenas blandit sollicitudin ex, vitae auctor nulla ultricies ac. Etiam est erat, tempus vel pellentesque ut, ornare in ligula. Integer a scelerisque nisi.



storm joins team sccl with their gf valentine, leif the jackal, and rowan the crow. they slowly learn to get along, then the fall happens. everyone gets injured, val goes missing, everyone splits up to recover. storm goes to mistral, meets up with desmond, joins a new team during recovery period. once fully healed, the two depart to try and locate their missing teammates, eventually leading them to vacuo. they meet with clem, leif's bf, and discover rowan was kidnapped and leif was full missing.


Ut posuere metus vel est auctor scelerisque. Nullam ultrices eleifend hendrerit. Vivamus id dui nisl. Pellentesque diam nulla, bibendum laoreet venenatis ut, cursus id tortor. Sed accumsan elit eget metus iaculis tristique. Pellentesque nec massa non metus aliquam faucibus. Praesent rutrum velit quam, non mattis erat sagittis id. Etiam hendrerit commodo purus id molestie. Sed interdum faucibus sem eu cursus. Donec ac tincidunt orci, a sagittis ligula.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe weakness here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe weakness here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe skill here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe skill here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe secret here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe secret here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.












  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here. This box will scroll.
  • Mauris posuere ut lacus nec convallis. In fringilla lectus quis diam condimentum gravida.
  • Morbi pharetra erat sit amet dui euismod, fringilla ultricies arcu venenatis. Cras eleifend augue vel dolor consequat, ut pellentesque mi volutpat.


  • "Put a character quote here."
  • "Vivamus a neque nec eros hendrerit faucibus."
  • "Quisque tortor tortor, dictum non bibendum eu, ultrices ac est. Nullam mattis imperdiet risus, vitae auctor magna euismod bibendum."
click to expand

Cherrise Valentine


Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


Matcha Leif Grun


Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


Rowan Corvix


Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


Whisper "Storm Gale"

AFAB • 21 • INFP

"It's honestly kinda funny, karma. A vague boogeyman to scare people into doing the right thing for selfish reasons, only to be punished in the end regardless."

  • CREATOR AcrylicIce
  • DESIGNER AcrylicIce
  • VERSE Fallout 4
You don't understand, Red. I'm not real, I'm just a... cheap fake.
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • RACE Synth
  • BLOOD TYPE Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Scavver
  • SEXUALITY Unknown
  • RELATIONSHIP Formerly fianced, single
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown


  • FOOD Unknown
  • COLOUR Unknown
  • NUMBER Unknown
  • ANIMAL Deathclaw
  • SEASON Fall
  • TIME OF DAY Dusk
  • GENRE Romance


unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png

Released from a decrepit vault, they stumbled into a world torn by war. Gunfire, snarling, screams for help followed by snapping bones and harsh laughter. It was a complete 180 from the world they came from, from the soft laughter and small but genuine smiles. Unfortunately, the vault dweller quickly realizes that it's all posh, the differences between Pre-War and the current. While before the war held thinly veiled threats and tight smiles, sharp words dripping with venom and the condemnation of the public for the interests of the rich, Post-War embraced a more violent side. No more playing conversations like a game of chess, navigating carefully for each word held a minefield. No, now it was more barbaric. Physical fights and resource hoarding, merely shooting those you disagreed with rather than talking it out. It was... horrifying, truly. A far cry from the comforting life they had led, everything they loved stripped away without a second's reprieve.


Put your character's personality here.

Pre-war, they were a bit of a pushover. Laid back, lackadaisical, whichever word you wish to use. While they had issues with paranoia, it was medicated and kept them rather cool-headed.They were in their last year of college when the bombs struck, a few months away from being a wife as well. At least, that's what the memories implanted in their head told them. The memories from the real Storm.

Before they found out they were a synthetic replacement, they were a nervous wreck. Once the cryo-pod released them, they damn near had a panic attack. Everything was gone, everyone was gone, and yet there was still gunfire and screams of pain echoing in the wastelands. They slowly grew into a role defined by the memories that weren't their's; being a hero. "Hero" being a very loose term for reckless idiot doormat, taking any sob story to heart and trying their damnest to bring it to a happy ending. Hell, they even grew confident in their role in this world. Shoot, save lives, be the good guy hero, rinse and repeat.

Post Synthetic truth being revealed, Whisper's confidence shatters. Their pride took a hit when finding out they were meant as nothing more than a replacement for a lost lover. They disappeared like a whisper in the wind after that, boarded up in their old cryo-pod room as they came to grips with their own reality. It took some major beating in the head by a red-coated loudmouth reporter for them to some to their senses and resume their work, desperate to prove to themself that they're worth living this life they were thrust into.


Storm was thrust into a hidden chamber of cryo-pods built by their fiance, Valentine. She was a crew lead on the Vault-Tec program, quickly moving through the ranks. Despite this, they didn't quite have the money to afford an official spot in the program, so Valentine created her own private bunker for the two, should Nuclear Fallout occur. Well, surprise surprise, the world has ended. Roughly 200 years later, they emerge unfrozen and alone to a world vastly different from the one they had just been in. Val's Cryo-pod was smashed in and she is nowhere to be seen, screaming and gunshots echoing in the small chamber.

Perusing the ghost of the world they once lived in, they stumble into Diamond City, crashing right into the infamous reporter with the silver tongue sharp as a knife. After the initial aggravation, Piper found herself interested in the Pip-Boy clamped tightly around the Dweller's arm, dragging them into an unprompted interview. Storm regaled her tale, of being before the war, of Valentine's desperate plea to save them both in the secret chambers. Of waking up alone, terrified, and to the sounds of sharp gunshots and harsh screaming. Midway through the interview, they began to feel nauseous. Something wasn't right. The story was right, but something wasn't clicking. It lasted for a mere second, disappearing as quick as it came. Piper, as observational as ever, noticed but refrained from pointing it out, only giving a mildly worried look and offering to lead them to Nick Valentine. The detective could surely lead them to their lost loved one.

Finding the detective mysteriously missing, Piper stuck to Storm's side as they went on a Triggerman hunt, intent on keeping an eye on this blossoming story. Lucky for her, she didn't have to wait long. After rescuing Nick, the two get pointed in the direction of a cult, their call sign having been scratched into the walls of Val's cryo-pod. This cult, Storm quickly decided, was their least favorite thing of this new world. Nothing could top it. Humans with bits of metal screwed and nailed into their skin, their teeth replaced with crude metallic imitations, the limbs of other humans being tossed into fires and nailed against shack walls as if they were some kind of protection charm. It was, in a word, horrifying. As it turns out, the cult had a fascination with machines, not too dissimilar to the Brotherhood of Steel. But where the Brotherhood wished to own machines, to keep them from being wrongly used, the cult instead wished to be one with machines. To replace their humanity with that of cold hard steel, their arms as blades and their bodies becoming it's own weapon. They called themselves The Clockwork.

The Clockwork did, in fact, take Val. Initially it was just for a sacrifice, to use her to appease the metal giants they worshiped. Valentine, ever the clever woman, managed to sweet talk her way out, making promises of using her technological mind to improve them, to help advance their goals and provide a more effective way of achieving what they wanted.

- still a wip, the gist is that Storm is a synth to recreate the og, who died during cryostasis. changes their name to Whisper, after their RR agent name. valentine is evil, loves them but threw them to the wolves of the wastelands and moved onto working with institute. only tries to use them when they reconnect, then tries to off piper and nat in an attempt to reclaim what was rightfully "hers".

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe weakness here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe weakness here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe skill here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe skill here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe secret here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe secret here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.












  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here. This box will scroll.
  • Mauris posuere ut lacus nec convallis. In fringilla lectus quis diam condimentum gravida.
  • Morbi pharetra erat sit amet dui euismod, fringilla ultricies arcu venenatis. Cras eleifend augue vel dolor consequat, ut pellentesque mi volutpat.


  • "Put a character quote here."
  • "Vivamus a neque nec eros hendrerit faucibus."
  • "Quisque tortor tortor, dictum non bibendum eu, ultrices ac est. Nullam mattis imperdiet risus, vitae auctor magna euismod bibendum."
click to expand



Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."




Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."




Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."



Agender • 22 • INFP

"It's not supposed to be easy. Just.. take a deep breath and try again. ... There! You did it! Great job, kiddo!!"

Sometimes you just gotta, y'know. [makes vague hand gesture] Destroy the government.
  • BIRTHDAY 11/16
  • RACE Were-folk?
  • OCCUPATION(S) Member of the Emperor's Coven, Tutor, Night Market Merchant
  • SEXUALITY girls.
  • RELATIONSHIP Complicated
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown


  • FOOD Chocolate, specifically mint chocolate
  • COLOUR Blue
  • NUMBER 8
  • ANIMAL Birds, Cats
  • SEASON Fall
  • TIME OF DAY Night
  • GENRE Unknown


unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png

Put your character's profile here. This box will scroll.

Tired little rat bastard. Runs a stall in the dark market, selling miscellaneous goods of dubious usage. Usually includes anything shiny that they didn't just take for themself, as well as vintage items. Think of a thrift store, similar to that. By day, they offer tutoring opportunities to the kids at Hexside, specializing in a mix of magics. They're also a member of the Emperor's Coven, but very obviously doesn't care about it. Will use their ties to aid others and will use and abuse loopholes just out of pure spite.

Wary • diligent • protective

Put your character's personality here.

The first thing many tend to notice about Storm is their friendliness and protective tendencies. Rarely will they act in true fury towards another. Frustration, yes. Actual, genuine anger? Damn near never. And should they feel one of their clients is feeling unsafe, they'd make sure to always offer a safe space to recooperate. They have this awkward charm that tends to draw in other witches easily, usually seeming to be read like an open book. Should a few look deeper, however, they'd realize it's a ploy. They'd find underneath Storm's friendliness a layer of exhaustion that just keeps sinking deeper and deeper, a layer of residual aggravation that leaks out in response to certain witches and situations. A layer of pure anxiety, of self doubt and terror, of paranoia towards near anyone and everyone. But, few tend to look that deep. The handful that do, that go to the effort of getting close enough to see that, tend to hold a special place in their heart and gain their undying loyalty. They can also be a bit morbid, and often makes deadpan sarcastic jokes that rarely land. They really dislike people being behind them or touching them, even if inadvertantly. They'll rarely ever let others know of their own emotional plights, instead bottling it up and pretending everything is a-okay.


Honestly, they hadn't wanted to go to the Emperor's Coven initially. Sure, they had the grades for it. Perfect attendence, straight A's, high recommendations from the teachers, the works! But they found it.. intimidating. Being authorative wasn't their strong suit, and the whole 'being a bootlicker' thing wasn't exactly appealing either. But they were convinced, eventually. All thanks to Valentine, their girlfriend, who dreamed of being part of the coven together. It was just too cute to resist, the way she prattled on and on about it, so they agreed to apply. And they got in. Both of them.

Of course, not everything could be perfect sunshine and rainbows. After initiation, the coven threw so much work onto the two that they rarely saw each other. It was annoying, but part of the stupid job. Whenever they were free, Storm usually tried to hunt Valentine down to try and hang out, but it was fruitless. Too much paperwork needed done, the cells in the Conformatorium needed cleaned, the prisoners needed lunch served, the whole schtick. It was disheartening, quite frankly.

Eventually, they stopped seeing her pass in the hallways. At first it wasn't much of a worry, but after a few weeks of absence they went to her home. They knocked, and knocked again, and knocked even more. Nothing. Using a quick lockpicking spell, they entered the house only to see it looking as if no one's lived in it for months. The house plants were wilted and dead, all the furniture was coated in a thick layer of dust. This didn't make any sense, Valentine was a clean freak. They toyed with their heart earring, an anniversary gift from Valentine herself. When near it's pair, it'd pulse out a steady heartbeat. Now it lay silent. Valentine was missing.


A few years had passed, Storm continued to serve the Emperor's coven despite Valentine's absence. They also provided tutoring and even ran a shop during the Night Market hours to occupy their free time. It was during one of their merchant nights when everything changed. One moment they're walking their cart of incredibly fragile knick knacks to their stand, the next the cart is toppled and a young teen lay sprawled over the shattered glass. This proceeded to be only the beginning of a very stressful year.

  • Tutoring: Teaches kids at Hexside after school hours, tends to prefer teaching the older teens since they're easier to deal with.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • Tapping Beats: Mostly just tapping little beats to get excess energy out, but sometimes can escalate in volume when sharp spikes of energy come in.
  • Nonverbal: Sometimes loses train of thought and has made a habit of using sound effects and gestures to get their missing point across.
  • Catch!: LOVES throwing items in the air and catching them, no matter the item. You put something in their hands, they're gonna wanna throw it.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe weakness here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe weakness here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • Reflexes: Really fast reflexes! Often good at catching falling items, or at least fumbling them entertainingly.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe skill here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • Being Known: Moreso worried at the prospect of being known intimately and having it used against them to hurt them more. To let someone into your life, finally open up, just for them to stab your vulnerable heart.
  • Relevancy: In the same vein as above, being forgotten or deemed irrelevant. Wants to be known, wants to make a name for themself and to be thought about by friends.
  • Loud Noises: Loud, sudden noises. Or just loud noises in general. Thunder, slamming, yelling, loud vehicles, the like. Doesn't have to be sudden to be terrifying.
  • Were-folk: Secretly a were-folk. Has been taking suppressants to keep their were form at bay since they were young, so very few know of this form. Comes out in moments of extreme stress, fear, or fury.
  • UNKNOWN: ///












  • Unknown
  • Crunchy things
  • Books and learning
  • Cool breezes and jackets
  • Human sweets
  • Flying
  • Rainstorms


  • Loud noises, loud people
  • Being underground
  • Not being taken seriously
  • Mushy, squishy objects
  • Heat
  • Parties


  • Yes, they eat bullets for guns. They buy them from the novelty human stands in Bonesborough, and they are very delicious.
  • The heart earring is from their former girlfriend, Valentine. It has a heartbeat when it's near the other half.
  • They have a complicated relationship with sleeping, so finding them up until 5am and awake again at 9 isn't unusual.
  • They LOVE music, and tend to have music in their head regardless of if it's playing through headphones or not.
  • Their memory is weird, sometimes able to remember the smallest detail mentioned and other times forgetting a whole week's events existed.


  • "Keep bringing me chocolate and I might just marry you."
  • "How is it so hard to understand that you don't hit your children?"
  • "Gay panic, gay panic! Or is this normal panic?? Either way panic is involved and I DO NOT like it!"
click to expand

Cherrise Valentine


Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

(Late) Highschool sweethearts. Val crushed on Storm for a loong while before they even had a clue, being incredibly oblivious. Finally she was the one to make the first move, and they'd been joined at the hip ever since. She tends to keep Storm in check, ensuring they don't do anything stupid and helping them with social cues while they help her break from her shell and have friends and just enjoy herself. Even in the rare moments of arguing, they work well off each other, understanding how the other works and being able to discuss their problems after the initial spat. Very cute couple.


"C'mon guys, don't be mean! Sure, Val can be a bit.... difficult, but she's been working on getting better! I mean it, seriously! She's been trying so hard, and I'm so proud of her! She can be so sweet in her own little Valentine way, it's truly endearing. She even apologized to Matcha for punching him after Grudgby practice, the old Valentine would never do that! And besides, she looks cute when shes apologetic. No, stop mouthing the word 'whipped', otherwise I'll have to punch you too. Shut up."


"They're.. intruiging. Definitely not what I initially expected. How can one person be so endlessly nice to people who don't deserve it? To give so many chances despite the high probability of it ending in failure? And you'd expect them to give their love so freely, as is usual with their archetype, but no. They're picky, but they hide it under lock and key, behind walls and walls of thorns and roses. They're an enigma, and I personally enjoy mysteries."




Not close

Very close

In her hurry to escape, Lyre accidentally shattered Storm's entire shop stock. They took the young teen in for the night, caring for her wounds and giving her a roof to sleep under. After all, Bonesborough wasn't the safest place to roam at night. Really, nowhere in the Isles was safe, ever, but still. After taking her in and hearing her story, Storm realized they couldn't just kick the poor kid back out to her abusive mother, Hell no. So they poured over the legal practices covered in the Isles, pulling some strings with their Emperor's Coven status and eventually managed to get some official, albeit mildly loophole-y, custody rights. It counted her as Storm's protégé, and that they were entitled to housing and providing for the young teen in her mother's "absence".


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."




Not close

Very close

Not long after taking in Lyre, another ragged Manticore child tore through their plans for the day. Specifically, their little tutoring session. It had been held outside when Dune came charging through, shouting enough profanities to make the hexing witches blush. He stomped on paperwork and pushed kids over, trying to run. He turned his ire to Storm when they interjected, hissing and screaming and scaring their students. Eventually the cause for his fury came marching in, a group of Emperor's Coven members who seemed rather aggravated despite the bird masks. When asked about the raging teen and informed of his misdeeds (stealing appleblood? really? there aren't more important crimes to go after?), Storm merely responded that he was part of their tutor group and would be punished accordingly, successfully deterring the group from taking him to the conformatorium. Dismissing the students, they confronted Dune, who pointedly didn't answer. They probably wouldn't have been able to coax an answer from him had Lyre not came running at that moment, released from her classes and recognizing her brother immediately. After a long talk, Storm managed to go through the same process they did for Lyre for Dune, adopting him as their second apprentice.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


Maelstrom "Whisper"

AFAB • 21 • INTJ

"Insert a quote here."

  • CREATOR Unknown
  • DESIGNER Unknown
  • VERSE Unknown
Put a cool tag line here
  • BIRTHDAY Fall 2994
  • RACE Human
  • BLOOD TYPE Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Recruit
  • SEXUALITY Lesbian
  • RELATIONSHIP Complicated
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Unknown


  • FOOD Unknown
  • COLOUR Blue
  • NUMBER 8
  • ANIMAL Unknown
  • SEASON Fall
  • TIME OF DAY Dusk
  • GENRE Unknown


unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png
unknown.png unknown.png unknown.png

Even from the first glance, Whisper stands out notably. If it weren't for the two scars running over their face -cutting over their eye and leaving their right ear tattered- then their unusually pale complexion coupled with crimson eyes certainly make them easier to pick out in a crowd. They are average in build, standing at 5'7 though they appear to be on the leaner side. Their right eye seems to be in an almost permanent squint, unable to fully open due to the scar tissue.

As though to contrast their albinism, they tend to dress almost exclusively in black, because "It draws the sun away from my skin." they claim along with "And it looks rather dashing and makes me look sexy.". Most notable pieces of attire are a poet's shirt, simple pants and boots, all in black of course. The only exception to this goth rule being a light blue sash and a dark blue cowl they're rarely seen without, as those two pieces are their own handy work. They have no short amount of crude jewelry. Several earrings that range from industrial on their right and a heart shaped one on their left. They are often seen wearing various bracelets, switching out between them and storing those that are not worn in their satchel.

Unknown to most, they have a crude tattoo roughly the size of their hand on their chest from their turns with the cult. That of a heart with an arrow through, surrounded by a circle of thorns, placed neatly over their heart.

Standoffish • Awkward • Possessive

Whisper isn't the kind of person to favour growing closer to others and let themself be known for who they are, and this is rather clearly expressed by their standoffish if not bitchy attitude towards the people around them, rarely willing to even begin to care for anyone but themself. There's an aura of superiority around them that they like to maintain, harsh exterior sharpened with snarky comments ready at moment's notice. Though in reality -and maybe because of that- they struggle forging connections with others, each step met with hesitation to reveal themself. They are rather awkward beyond their bitch queen approach, it’s not uncommon for them to not get a joke or take them too seriously and personally. They always seem tense. Alert, as if relaxing and letting loose around others is a weakness they can not allow. Not when they have an image to maintain.

It takes time for them to warm up to people and generally an external effort is needed for them to grow used to someone enough to soften their biting attitude, although even at that point it is mere tolerance from their side. One will have to actively engage them in any sort of hangout, drag them from their room if necessary as they are rarely the kind to initiate. Though as they grow closer, their true colours start showing and one may find that they've found themself a friend who will kill for them.

Whisper is immensely protective of people they care about and will not hesitate to back their friends up. They won't stand for any injustices, though they tend to lack the boundary of how much they should stand up for others and may wind up making excuses for their friends, growing blind to their negative traits, holding onto the few connections they have desperately despite jarring problems. At least, until they finally notice them and suddenly it stains everything they’ve ever thought about the person in question, tainting them in their eyes irreversibly, as though they were never good to begin with. A nasty cycle of black and white thinking, they’ve yet to realise the world is but a blur of various shades of grey.

A creature of pattern, Whisper settles into certain tested and tried ways and they won’t settle for anything less, even in seemingly petty and nonsensical instances; their usual seat being taken, favourite pen going missing, their possessions being misplaced and suddenly it winds them up into anger or panic. This is true for all of their routine, from work on lessons to personal training. Their stuff, their way, it’s as simple as that.

Speaking of routine, being awake is not favourable by any means; a cardinal sin, as they put it. If people are divided into early birds and night owls, then Whisper most certainly falls into the second category, finding themself more attentive during the nightly candlemarks and more willing to find the energy to be "nice" and "cooperative" towards others. Ramorath with you if you accidentally wake them in the morning, that might as well be a death wish.

As a recruit they aren’t the most studious, they will never learn ahead and sometimes they won’t care too much about current lessons, they will pay attention sometimes though to expect any kind of notes from them is underestimating them by a longshot. With chores however, it seems to be the complete opposite, Whisper will go above and beyond to make sure they do their work precisely and that they carry exactly their own weight, not without whining and complaining of course. However sometimes they work themself up a bit too much in their strife for perfection, making sure everything is in order as it should be, often to a point of outright stressing themself out.

Before The Weyr

Growing up in the Eastern Hold was always a rough time for those that lived by the paycheck, and Maelstrom was no exception. Even as a kid they knew that money mattered, that wants were a privilege and needs were a near unattainable goal. That some people were just born unlucky, into a world that merely wished to chew them up and spit them back out.

They were always taught to find a crafthall, to build a skill as soon as possible and then exploit it to ensure they would never end in the red like their family. So they did, albeit reluctantly, and put that as their main focus, their only goal. Be productive, make money, be happy(?), die. It wasn’t a perfect plan, but it was a plan, and Maelstrom found immense comfort in that.

Even as an apprentice Weaver, life wasn’t easy. Everyone knew how to sew their clothes so why bother paying to have a shoddy attempt done by a child? Every attempt to practice was met with scorn, every plea met with a scoff or blatant ignorance to their plight. The few bucks they did make was from cleaning well-tailored clothing, scrubbing stains out and even re-dying the articles to their original colors.

One day, a strange customer had approached them. Offered words of encouragement after seeing yet another failed sale, provided a boon that they hadn’t foreseen. The Ivory Watch. Offered for them to come and join, gain a foothold and continue with their work while reaching for something Greater, something better than just peddling for coins to make ends meet. Honestly, could you blame them? How could they possibly refuse!

So they joined, and they worked hard. So hard, in fact, that they didn’t realize how wrong some things felt. How some pieces of their ‘family’ didn’t quite fit, like it was a mask thrown over to hide it’s scars. It was curious but they chose not to complain, not to question that there were certain routines everyone was required to have. That they did some things that were labeled as a ‘tradition’, yet it didn’t quite feel right in their gut.

It wasn’t until their late teens that they first heard their family described as a cult. The speed in which they whipped around a corner could’ve given most people whiplash. Eavesdropping, the albino heard the vicious words spat by a passing group. Of their blindness to reality, their intense devotion to the dragonkin, and that’s when it Clicked. When the weirdness of their ‘family’ suddenly made sense. And that’s when it went downhill quick.

For you see, they hadn’t just endured the Watch alone, even if that’s what they would’ve preferred. No, unfortunately they had some acquaintances.

One of the cult’s hunters, Riavrook of brown Riavroosk, had taken young Maelstrom under her wing, to help them fit into the Watch. The help was, at first, somewhat appreciated; Riavrook knew her way around and she understood where her place in the hierarchy was and taught the same to them. Though as time went on they realised just how conceited she truly was, twisting truths in a way that forced them to say, like they were nothing but her pawn in the grand scheme of things. She even went as far as to keep them farther from one of the cult members, a girl around Maestrom’s age they’ve fallen for.

She had gone by Val, ever refusing to share her full name despite the prodding and poking of Maelstrom and the other members. It didn’t take long for them to fall and fall hard for the intelligent woman. Every word was like music, her soul like a songbird as it prattled on about the notes and meeting schedules. Even though they were quite clearly enamoured with her, Val showed no sign of reciprocation and Riavrook used this knowledge to her advantage.

It didn’t take long for Maelstrom to hear rumors around the Eastern, whispers and hisses about the dragon fanatics, the crazed cultists who stole people from the streets and dyed them with their beliefs. Tainted good, kind souls with the evil of their practice, forcing them all to act as one.

A frantic, unplanned escape attempt left them in the clutches of Riavrook. Sometimes their ears still ring with the gentle croon of her threats, of harm towards them or Val. They can still feel the claws in their skin as her Wher held them down, still feel the blade gliding through their skin as she marked them with wounds across their face and abdomen. When her Wher let them go, the threat was clear; return to the Ivory Watch and be a good little denizen or let their wounds get infected and die in agony.

So they chose life, bound and returned like a little prize. They were treated and continued to play with the cult’s rules all while trying to figure out a better way to leave, to escape without Ria noticing and hunting them down. Why she continued to keep them there, chained to a group where they had no loyalties, they would never know. Perhaps it was for the manipulation, to use them as a punching bag of sorts. Or perhaps she thought she could break them, could convince them to be the perfect pawn she desired. Either way, it didn’t work.

Because they would escape, no matter what.


Ut posuere metus vel est auctor scelerisque. Nullam ultrices eleifend hendrerit. Vivamus id dui nisl. Pellentesque diam nulla, bibendum laoreet venenatis ut, cursus id tortor. Sed accumsan elit eget metus iaculis tristique. Pellentesque nec massa non metus aliquam faucibus. Praesent rutrum velit quam, non mattis erat sagittis id. Etiam hendrerit commodo purus id molestie. Sed interdum faucibus sem eu cursus. Donec ac tincidunt orci, a sagittis ligula.

  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe hobby here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe habit here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe strength here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe weakness here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe weakness here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe skill here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe skill here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe goal here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe fear here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe secret here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.
  • UNKNOWN: Briefly describe secret here. Duis dignissim finibus interdum.












  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Put miscellaneous facts about your character here. This box will scroll.
  • Mauris posuere ut lacus nec convallis. In fringilla lectus quis diam condimentum gravida.
  • Morbi pharetra erat sit amet dui euismod, fringilla ultricies arcu venenatis. Cras eleifend augue vel dolor consequat, ut pellentesque mi volutpat.


  • "Put a character quote here."
  • "Vivamus a neque nec eros hendrerit faucibus."
  • "Quisque tortor tortor, dictum non bibendum eu, ultrices ac est. Nullam mattis imperdiet risus, vitae auctor magna euismod bibendum."
click to expand



Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."




Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."




Not close

Very close

Describe the relationship here. This box will not scroll.

Fusce et viverra justo. Ut vitae tellus blandit enim volutpat molestie. Morbi sit amet imperdiet risus, id aliquet ex. Morbi arcu urna, tincidunt gravida tincidunt sed, pharetra ac felis. Ut eget iaculis dui. Proin eget risus venenatis, malesuada urna vel, congue odio. Donec justo nibh, lobortis et congue id, fermentum vitae sapien. Ut ultricies urna leo, at placerat purus iaculis eget. Vivamus rutrum, purus sodales venenatis commodo, elit tortor mattis ex, a aliquet ante nulla id nisl. Vivamus viverra neque at ante sodales mollis.


"Describe Character A's thoughts on Character B here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."


"Describe Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll.

Donec ut lacinia nisi, non finibus lectus. Aenean aliquet odio sit amet fringilla efficitur. Ut rhoncus leo et leo ornare suscipit. Donec metus neque, hendrerit vitae mauris ac, tristique ultricies lectus. Etiam convallis ipsum et dui facilisis, sit amet suscipit orci eleifend. Nam nec pretium dui. In rutrum accumsan tellus."