


2 years, 8 months ago



she/her | ? yrs

A disillusioned princess and a lonely, lovesick dreamer, Lilia is in constant search of a place where she can feel that she truly belongs. Though angels and dragons are both beings commonly associated with the ability to fly, she is earth-bound due to her small wings. Perhaps the result of a curse that robbed her of her flight feathers, or her true nature being that of a fallen angel...? One would never be able to tell, for her tongue weaves tales of both fact and fiction to conceal her real heart.

dreamy sensitive distant

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus leo neque, volutpat a nibh ut, tempor dictum magna. Vivamus tristique lorem ut justo tempus, non eleifend tellus dictum. Nullam lobortis nulla mauris, eget vestibulum quam porttitor ac. Donec tristique, massa at faucibus ullamcorper, felis nunc pharetra neque, viverra iaculis est dui id orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Integer vehicula, erat in tempor ullamcorper, dolor ipsum pretium enim, et vulputate leo lectus vitae ante. Mauris porta laoreet ante, id dapibus ipsum laoreet id. Sed porttitor velit sit amet facilisis porta. Aenean ligula sem, facilisis at nisi vel, dictum porttitor quam. Phasellus quis iaculis arcu. Mauris finibus dictum varius. Vivamus suscipit sapien leo, sit amet convallis mauris auctor a. Ut pretium bibendum dignissim. Donec consequat metus nunc, vel consequat leo rhoncus eget. Mauris varius justo tellus, vel dapibus eros pharetra ut. Sed hendrerit nisi lectus, nec dapibus nisi varius et.

Design Notes
  • She has both fur and feathers; her wings are feathered, and feathers portrude from her wrists/ankles. These can be flattened or even disregarded.
  • Her wings are small (and as such she cannot really fly), but their size can be exaggerated — for dramatic effect, art style, etc.
  • Her legs are digitigrade; please draw them as such if possible.
  • She doesn't have to be drawn with all of her jewelry, but it's preferred she is wearing at least a few pieces, mainly the hair clips, rings on her horns and earring on her left ear.