


2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Cobalt

Series: Animals

Age: ???

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Reaper

Favorite Food: Chicken Quesadillas

Element: Dark

Powers: Can guide souls to the land of the dead, various dark magic, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Please take this seriously..."

Likes: Her job, being on time, reading, salty foods, dark magic, and drama shows.

Dislikes: Seeing her sister get hurt, getting distracted from her mission, weirdos, being late to work, laid-back people, leeks, and souls that refuse to pass on.

Personality: Cobalt takes her job as a reaper seriously and has little patience for distractions and nonsense. She tends to be highly irritable and easily annoyed. However, she can be calm and focused when the situation calls for it. She's not always the best at expressing how much she cares about others and isn't afraid to speak her mind if she dislikes someone.

Home: Reaper Headquarters

History: Cobalt and her twin sister Quartz were born into a family where being reapers was the family business. From a young age, Cobalt learned the ins and outs of being a reaper and eventually became a full-fledged reaper with her sister when they were older.

Current-Bio: Cobalt currently works as a reaper. She usually goes on missions with her twin sister Quartz, but often gets into trouble due to her sister's mistakes. She sometimes teams up with fellow reaper Bismuth, but generally finds him unpleasant.

Meta-History: Cobalt and her sister Quartz originated in a design sheet from 2017 October-November Doodles I really liked their designs and have since decided to upgrade them to minor characters. They don't have much other inspirations for me to list, but I like making twin characters for obvious reasons (if you don't know, I am a twin).

Relationships with Other Characters:

Bismuth: Cobalt will sometimes team up with Bismuth, but she doesn't really get along with him and finds him weird.

Quartz: Cobalt and Quartz are twins who often work together as reapers. While Quartz tends to get on Cobalt's nerves, she won't hesitate to fight back if someone hurts her sister.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.