


2 years, 9 months ago


General Info

Name:  Koluo Van Likan

Nickname: Kappy

Gender: Male

Race: Half human and half elf

Age: 12

Country: Yuhna


Height: 1'30 m

Weight: 41 kg

Hair: Grayish-green, long and curly. A cascade of hair of the same color falls until it reaches his waist and it's tied in two small ponytails.

Skin: Ghostly pale, soft and clean. Has some freckles. 

Distinguishing marks: Hawk-shaped birthmark in his left shoulder and a big lunar in the palm of his right hand.


Temperament: Introverted and charismatic.

Moral/ethical beliefs: Koluo is not able to damage anyone even in the most harsh situations, not even animals.

Hobbies: Collecting and painting leaves, craft notebooks and keychains, roleplay mythical heroes, draw silly doodles.

Habits: Sucks his own thumb when distracted or sleepy, munches his hat to sleep, scratches the back of his head when thinking.

Quirks/eccentricities: Looks up at his hat when lying, kicks the floor when he stands up for too long without doing nothing, his expression problems lend him to cry.

Likes: Sweet foods, animals, books, creating outfits and even crafting his own clothes, being carried on his adoptive father's arms, cold environments.

Dislikes: Hostile environments, hide-and-seek games, sour food, narcisist people, not being understood when he speaks.

Fears: Clautrophobia: Koluo panickes and smashes the walls until he's heard and taken away. Ranidaphobia: Paralyzes when looking at a frog. Tanatophobia. Eisoptrophobia: Feels at unease and even screams at mirrors. Enoclophobia: He doesn't really like places with a lot of people, and he feels lost and cries.

Strengths: He has a great capacity to think and solve problems quickly, but only his expression problems stop him. Has a lot of patience, Understands people's feelings by looking at their faces. 

Weaknesses: Expression problems, very clumsy when walking, too honest and tends to offend people, his fears are stronger than his will to do something. 

Skills: Crafts simple and useful things with very simple materials, logical thinking, math games, takes care very well of mentally ill people.


Always has:

  • A green book where he dries the leaves and keeps them.
  • His beloved hat.
  • Bread for birds.
  • A feather with ink. The bottle of ink usually opens and messes up his clothes.

At home, he has:

  • An old teddy bear. 
  • A huge set of clothes to create outfits for himself.
  • More than ten shelves with books filled with leaves. 
  • A small tree in his room.