Lyndon Aurelius



6 years, 8 months ago


Name: Lyndon Aurelius

Age: 22

Class: Paladin

Race: Human


Too good for this world, very kind, naïve, optimistic, caring, loving, loyal, overly trusting, and gullible 


 Lyndon grew up within a very wealthy family, his mother used to read him many fairytales when he was very young and when he began to learn how to read he would read many himself. He spent a lot of time reading stories and wished for an adventure and love of his own. 

His parents didn't give him much attention, he wasn't their oldest, so he wasn't their heir, he was also quite the joke among other nobles due to his far fetched dreams and that fact that he didn't keep those dreams to himself. Lyndon didn't have many friends so he spent most of his time reading or playing with his younger siblings

He soon fell in love with a woman, before even meeting her,  he had heard stories about her, so he set out on a quest to go find her. It took him some time, but he eventually found her and joined her and her friends(?) on their journey.

He's since grown close with the party and has finally accepted that his love will never return his feelings. He's found strength in his new friends though and continues his journey in the hope to be the hero to all that may need one.

Lyndon's Oath: 

I swear to always protect my love; to put her above others and myself. To help her whenever she may need it no matter the cost. And to love her no matter what may happen

Trivia/Fun Facts:

-He has a little scar above his eyebrow that goes into his hairline

-He likes oats because he ate a lot on his journey to find his love

-He got conned out of most of his money on his journey to find his love

-He's proposed to his love but she flat out rejected him, he's still chased after her for a long time

-Had his heart broken and is currently healing

-Mainly focused on helping people at the moment

-He kind of adopted a young prince named Eren after this kids family died




Older Brother

Two Younger Sisters

Younger Brother