


6 years, 8 months ago


Not to be confused with EphHaiyxl or Skorr.

Bard, male, light hair and skin, half-elf.

Owns, and proudly plays, an accordion. Not everyone in the party appreciates it. 

Optimistic, patriotic, never shuts up, follows Klank wherever he goes because why wouldn't you follow the badass that deals shit tons of damage like it's nothing?

Notable things he's done:

  • Hew now acts as the buyer and seller of our parties goods.
  • The party ran into a pride of saber tooth cats. He talked to them and traded food for safe passage, that would have been deadly encounter.
  • Provides the party with lodging all the time by playing for the inn. At least they appreciate his accordion.
  • Went on a stealth mission with our halfing rouge to investigate some strange tracks. it did not remain a stealth mission for long; he kicked some decent ass with some illusions and dissonant whispers. 
  • DIED! Tried to save our rouge from water wyrds. Proceeded to drown. Got resurrected due to sort of "war in heaven" plot going on.
  • With the help of our gnome bard, he sold our loot for an insane amount of money. Bought new stuff for cheap. 
    • But, it turns out that all that awesome magic gear we picked up was fake. And the shop we bought them from now had a dead man inside, a man wh presumably owned the place, but was not the same man who sold us the items. 
  • He is now pretending to be a magic user. Hasn't used his rapier in so long...
    • Update: He had to use the rapier, but only because the giant flaming skull we fought couldn't be hit by dissonant whispers or phantasmal force, and that's basically all he's got for damage. Oh, also, he  set up leomond's tiny hut only to have the skull come back to life right inside of it and wake everyone up with a big ass fire ball. We made sure that it was thoroughly pulverized and dispelled after that.
  • There's time travel in out D&D now. According to the Cleric's god, we are in the past. 

In the past, we found out that we're on a spaceship. With scifi security probes and non-magic rods of death.
Since we're in the past, we figure that we can change the future [which already happened when we [Klank] accidentally killed a dude and out ranger poofed out of existence, but the party doesn't remember that.] But killing people wont really work [especially since later Chronos himself says its a big nono] so Klank thinks up the idea to change the hearts of the people. Through song.
Thus, our grand plan is to get the bards to make a song that will last throughout ages, shifting the future Tenat to not be evil bastards.
And, it just so happens that the bards found a crew member from the ship who says he'll help us.

In the end, he sort of... "won" D&D. His goal was to rid these lands of the evil Tenat, and.... he did. [or so it seems.] the ship that harbored them, far in the past, was repared and rejoined the stars. He left the party and wove his song, "The Song," into the lore [assuming the rest of the party umpes forward in tiem again to "go home." Even 9if the timeline is reset again, he still managed to influence the world with a song. That's impressive. Good job buddy. A great way to really get into D&D.