The People Made of Slime



2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

General Alignment

Neutral Something



Average Height

Between 4 and 6 feet

Average Weight

Between 75 and 175 pounds


These creatures are more like humans than most species created by the gods. These were a solo project spawned by the Slime God, as in they started when a new slime person budded off from him, and then the spawn multiplied from there. They take the same shape as most humans, however whichever part of them touches the ground loses shape and turns to a puddle. They don't really walk, they kinda slide around. Most of them wear clothes to maintain some semblance of decency, though they don't actually need to. Every slime has a unique colour combination, typically one colour for their "skin", one colour for their "hair", and black eyes. They are also usually translucent. Each colour of slime has a different flavour, with a tendency toward sweet flavours like fruits or desserts. The slime's consistency and viscosity is somewhere around molasses, where one could grab a chunk of it and rip it away, but the chunk will try to flow out of your hand all in one piece.