Wren's Comments

i can offer someone in my TH!

I'm VERY interested in Toki, is there anyone else in my TH you find interesting? Willing to offer whatever you think is fair!

Not sure :,DD 

I’d be looking for similar worth (100+$)

Of course, of course! I wouldn't expect anything otherwise.

May I offer Iko, Plum, and Leo as well? Maybe Kale (who's a closed species) as well? Still happy to add in even more if that's not enough :3

none of those ocs interested me :,D /gen

Of course! That's perfectly fine! What's your basic aesthetic and species preference, maybe I can find a few you'll enjoy :0

4 Replies

May I offer trades or art?

I take both, what are you offering?

Hey! Wanna trade Tarah for Wren?

anyone here/here/here/here interest you for em? if not i can do some art :0c

Didn't really see anyone I was interested in, do you have any art examples?

yeah! lemme get a few recent ones together real quick, i'll edit this when i get em together ^^

EDIT: https://toyhou.se/14758271.examples/gallery

They look amazing! Do you think a full body and a pixel would be fair?

yep! who do you want me to draw? :0c

For the Fullbody could you do Rylan please, and for the pixel, I'd love Leeona or Purpled please

Hello, I'm trying to grow a thicker spine, and I decided that I can't keep characters on Pending forever, so I have to say that I can only keep Wren pending until February 28th, hope you understand, Have a great day!

2 Replies