


2 years, 9 months ago








Old God

Demon Lord of Sloth






An entity from beyond human understanding, Bella is the physical manifestation of dreams. Though she is something often thought of as malevolent, especially combined with her title as a Demon Lord, she is actually rather kind and loving, despite her lack of motivation. She loves humanity, and wishes to see them succeed.

She may have an official position, but she rarely fulfills her duties to it, living up to her role as Sloth. Though she pushes this work onto her 'sister', Asmos, she takes her job rather seriously, seeking to prevent people from falling too deep into sloth where she can. She will claim this is to make her job easier, but people being safe and happy is reward enough in it's own right.









  • Sleeping
  • Humans
  • Sweets


  • Cold
  • Caffeine
  • Spicy Food

Bella may not have a thought process easily understood by other people, but she is a genuine and kind person who only wants to help people, even if she struggles to always motivate herself to do so. One of her favorite ways to help people, however, is to take the place of powerful demons whenever evil humans try to use them to evil ends, using her powers to drain their magic, causing them to be incapable of summoning another. After doing this, she will lounge around and get in the way of their various activities, expending as little energy as possible.



As the various species on Earth evolved over time, two different kinds started to push forward beyond all others, learning how to use tools and work together in organized groups. As these two continued to develop, one eventually had a thought. A simple idea, one no greater than we'd expect from animals in the current days. This idea led to a dream, the first to have anything to see in it. In this dream, something was created. The smallest sparks of life, as Bella was born. Though she was powerless, and lacked much ability to think or understand herself, this was the beginning of a life that would last for eons to come.

Early Life

For the next several hundred years, as more and more creatures began dreaming, Bella slowly grew more in strength and understanding. Though she was incredibly weak compared to any other supernatural beings, nevertheless she was able to grow. At this point, however, she lacked the ability to physically manifest in this world, instead being left in an empty void when all others in her immediate area were awake and active. As they slept, she began expressing ideas to them, using simple imagery to tell stories as she thought of them. These creatures, who would eventually become humans, were the first companions she ever had, and she grew an incredible fondness for them.

Middle Life

As time wore on, people began to be able to piece together more complex thoughts, creating language, and creating the first embers of civilization. As these ideas developed, Bella was finally able to convey more complex ideas, and tried to influence people to do the right thing, actively pushing them away from any malicious thoughts. Though her efforts were often in vain, the frequent selfless deeds of others kept her hopeful about the future, so she pushed forward regardless. She would eventually become known to more and more people, and be referred to by many different names. Some treated her as a benevolent god, and others are an evil spirit. Vehemently denying both of these ideas, she brushes it off by saying that she is just doing what any good person should. This is how things stood for thousands of years, and she fell into a comfortable status quo.

Current Day

She has since met many people with a long enough lifespan to form genuine bonds with, and cemented herself as enough of a presence that she can manifest in the waking world, choosing a small, cutesy human form to mimic them and what they've created. She works more actively towards trying to keep things happy and peaceful, though she's still unused to this form and the fact that she needs to use energy to do things. As a result, when she found herself with the chance to take the seat of the Demon Lord of Sloth, she jumped on the chance. This was yet another attempt at doing good, preventing any potentially malevolent entities from taking it instead, and using it's resources to do bad.


  • She has three major items to her name. A shepherd's crook, a mysterious device, and a pair of goggles.
  • Despite the other two items being incredibly magical, and her insistence to the contrary, the crook is entirely mundane, simply made of sturdy wood.
  • The strange device is referred to as her compass, but it appears to do many things. Most notably, and the only feature she's open about, is the power to force a sense of reason upon things that lack it. Most often used to guide herself through various dreams. Hence, compass.
  • The goggles allow her to see through illusions, allowing her to deal with abnormalities that leak through the cracks into the waking world. Also, she just thinks they look cool.
  • Though the specifics of her form are ever shifting, the constants are the soft pink hair, generally short stature, and her eyes. Her eyes are always silver, and have a look of the inhumane at all times, regardless of how she tries to hide it.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.