Sapphron (minor character)




Sapphron Nidawi
25 yrs

The oldest of three faries in the Nidawi family, Sapphron is way more into working with sounds than creating it plus he has a soft sport for animals - minor character


Sapphron is the oldest child of the Nidawi family, a high middleclass fairy family. Born into a family that loved music Sapphron 

stood out by finding sound design and manipulation more appealing. Today he is a freetime sound guy for 

small indie shows around the fairy realm. 

Sapphron even more than his sisters has a strong connection to animals and work with an animal center to take care of the most problematic 

cases where he seems to be around the only person who can calm the animals. He himself has two pets: the grumpy dragon Leviathan and the snake Pepper. 

Sapphron is a minor character so his profile will be more brief than others. 


  • Manipulating sound 
  • Comfy clothes 
  • Animals - especially reptiles
  • Tattoos 
  • Voluntary work 


  • Big groups 
  • Bad mixing of sound 
  • Performing 
  • Polution 
  • Absoluts 


  • Sapphron was originally going to be named Liqourice yet that name was given to another character 
  • Instead of Red and black being his main colours he was originally meant to be green
  • It took me years to get a good idea for Sapphron's design - by the end I asked by friend fujeeb13 to design him as part of a design trade
  • Pepper the snake is also fujeeb13's creation 


"The most important part of good music is good soundbalance."

Sapphron is a boy that are more about supporting others and make them feel comfortable than he himself being in the spotlight or to get the glory. Like the rest of his family music means a lot to him yet not having had the need to learn one instrument himself he turned to sound design and mixing instead caring for how the instruments are sounding together than apart. He is spending most of his freetime year round on being a soundguy for the local bands in the area especially for bands where his youngest sister, Cinnamon, plays. 

Another facet of Sapphron's personality is his strong love for animals and his inability to let them suffer or being left behind. To not adopt every sad case he finds on the streets he has turned to voluntaring for the local pet shelter. Sapphron seems to have a sixth sense that makes him able to connect with even more most wild and untamable beast reforming even the most unlikeable of pets into sweethearts.

Of all the animals in the world Sapphron seem to have a soft spot for reptiles own a snake called Pepper he rescued from getting run over and a miniature dragon called Leviathan that was a gift from his parents. 


  • Good at seeing the good picture
  • Selfless 
  • Supportive
  • Agreeable 
  • Animal lover 


  • Not being able to turn away from an animal in need 
  • Busy because cannot say no
  • Not very talkative 
  • Keeps to the background 


  • Caring for pets at local pet shelter 
  • Doing live sound for local bands 
  • Hanging out with his own pets 


  • An animal finding a good new home 
  • An animal warming up to him 
  • A concert turning out well 
  • Rolling cables (soothing) 
  • The sound of Leviathan's snort
  • Helping others 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 


  •  Hair Color   Red 

  •  Eye Color   Black 

  •  Skin Color   Fair 

  •  Height   5,10''/177 cm 

  •  Clothing Style   Casual 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Sapphron is a fairskinned elf with red hair often pulled back with a bandana and/or a ponytail. He has a little goatee and wears comfortable outside in neutral colours as to not seek attention for himself. He has a choker and a necklace of two dogsigns from two puppies he once helped finding an owner. 

He has two tattoos: one of an infinity sign yet as a musical 1/8 note and one of a snake with a rose. 

Design Notes

  • The snake tattoo is on his left upperarm while the infinity note is on his right wrist 
  • The green shirt is optional and originally only drawn to better see the tattoos
  • Drawing Pepper the snake with him is optional 
  • The bandana - and ponytail - is optional 
  • His wings are semitransparent 



art by MarcooftheMoon

Vanilla: sister

Sapphron's oldest sister. Since Vanilla was born when Sapphron was eight the two never got around to interact much as children although what time they did spend together was good. Sapphron really likes Vanilla and can listen to her play the viola for hours. 


art by MarcooftheMoon

Cinnamon: sister

Saphhron's youngest sister. Even more than with Vanilla Sapphron and Cinnamon didn't interact a lot as siblings Sapphron almost having moved out by the time Cinnamon was born. Their relationship is more of a close friendship and partnership around bandgigs since Sapphron often make sound for Cinnamon's bands. 


art by MarcooftheMoon

Leviathan: pet

Sapphron's pet dragon. She'll only let Sapphron pet her and care for her, she is grumpy and stubborn towards everybody else. Mostly she acts like a dissatified housecat yet Sapphron loves her. 


Sapphron is the firstborn child of Fiona and Atzula Nidawi. He was born when the couple was still in their early 20s and hadn't come into wealth as much yet so his upbringing was much more humble that those of his sister down the line. Sapphron's father arrived from a family of musicians having his mother be a famous viola player, and he'd later use his heritage and work of the craft of string instruments to become a woodcarver and violinbuilder. It was this business in a music loving fairy realm that later would make the Nidawi families a well respected middleclass family with money enough to pay for all their children getting pet dragons and their second child going to study abroad. 

Sapphron - like his mother Fiona - however was not particularly talented a singer or would pick up an instrument at an early age. The first years of his life he'd connect more with Fiona and her interests of nature, Sapphron himself always having loved all and every animals around him. Yet as time went on a six year old Sapphron started to also show interest in sounds and harmonies found in nature which his parents decided to cherish by letting him visit a close friend of Atzula that worked as a sound designer. Through the years Sapphron too would take up sounddesign and mixing as a hobby and till this day he is working - mostly for free however since he has a hard time asking for payment - as a soundguy at local cafés and concertstages. 

Sapphron would become an older brother by the age of 8 when Vanilla was born. Being born at a leap year on leap day their parents adored her which sadly leaved Sapphron to mostly take care of himself having him somedays not wanting to go home but instead find an excuse to hang out with the soundguys becoming their little helper. At time  went on however Sapphron grew to like Vanilla somewhat although the two never grew too close because of their age gap. When Vanilla took up playing their grandmother's viola, being a music prodigy at age 3, Sapphron dreamt of one day to mix sound on either a studio album of hers or when she played live. Unfortunately Vanilla would decide to study abroad so the two has yet to make this dream of his become a reality. 

Three years after Vanilla, Sapphron's second sister Cinnamon was born. By this time Sapphron was thinking about moving out so he and Cinnamon saw either less to eachother than Vanilla and Sapphron had done. When Sapphron later learned that Cinnamon had become a drummer for many local bands he decided to ask wether they needed a soundguy for their gigs not wanting to risk the chance would slip from him yet again. It is in these later years working together as partners in creating a good experience for concert goers and to make the music sound the best they can that Cinnamon and Sapphron has grown to like each other and get a close relationship. 

At the same time with Sapphron's carreer as free time soundguy he'd chose to volunteer at the local animal shelter. This came about after a young Sapphron manage to find a group of terrified puppies left to die on the road and not having the heart to leave them went with them to the local shelter. The puppies accepted him carrying them but as soon as an adult tried to touch them they bit and whined and became imbearable. Sapphron promised to then come every week day to feed them since nobody else could and after weeks they'd finally grown so used to be hold and loved that other people could take care of them as well. For his effort the owner gave him a lollipop and the dogtags from two of Sapphron's favourites among the puppies. When Sapphron became old enough he'd volunteer officially and start using all his freetime rescueing and caring for animals. 

He found his snake, Pepper, though his job at the shelter when the snake was risking being run over. it is unsure how she ended up on the road but never the less Sapphron took her in. Since Sapphron always had had an even softer heart for reptiles by the end he decided to adopt her and till this day shes the most agreeable and kind snake in the neighbourhood. Sapphron's other pet, the miniature dragon Leviathan he was gifted from his parents, act much more like the puppies when he first found them as a kid: she's hostile towards anybody but Sapphron whom she shows somewhat love towards and otherwise she acts a bit like a mixture of a disapproving cat and a rebellious teenager. 



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