
full Name Vera

Age 18

Gender Female

Race Dragon (element unknown)


PERSONALITYBubbly, sociable, spontaneous, reckless, impatient, childish, extroverted

LIKES Crystals, shiny things, warm water, seashells, quality time, snuggling, stargazing, flowers

DISLIKES School, bugs, cold weather, overly serious people, being isolated, raw meat, ice, being underestimated

HTML by Pinky


Vera is a purple dragon with rounded features and a ready smile. She is covered in violet, swirling stripes with a pale, sandy underbelly. Windswept, orange-tipped mane runs from her head to her tailtip. She has little, perky ears and curving white horns. Vera has a plump belly and a healthy, well-fed build. She has smooth, leathery scales that are warm and soft to the touch. She tends to walk in a bouncy, light-footed trot. Her broad, semi-transparent wings are a pale lavender with vibrant orange stripes. Her wild blue eyes resemble a pair of twinkling  sapphires.


Far above the realm of man, there are secret islands in the sky. These islands serve as a sanctuary for a generation of dragons looking to escape the war on the surface. One of these dragons, hatched and raised on the Isles, is named Vera.

Vera is a young, happy-go-lucky dragoness who always sees the good in life. She has a big personality and an even bigger heart; and she knows nothing of the surface or of man. She is happy on the Isles. She has her mother and the best friends a dragon could ask for; she lives in a draconic paradise full of sunshine and plenty to eat. Though she is a lowborn dragon, she's never been made to feel unloved or unimportant by those closest to her. By all means, she should be the happiest dragon in the world.

Yet something is missing. Vera has always been different - and everyone knows it. She was born without elemental powers, and doesn't quite appear to belong to any of the dragon clans. With no fire-breath, icy scales, or lightning in her veins, she feels defenseless in a world of elementals. Vera doesn't know why she was hatched this way - but she'll do anything to prove she's more than what everyone thinks. Her fierce ambition and boundless optimism are traits that keep her going, even in the bleakest moments. Vera is known to smile through tears and come back from the worst setbacks; she never backs down from a fight.

This reckless attitude, however, can lead Vera to trouble. Desperate to prove herself, she is prone to running headfirst into potential danger. She can be overly trusting of herself and others; her boundless optimism can also be a glaring flaw.

Though her past is shrouded in mystery, the answers may ultimately lie in a necklace with her name on it, which her mother has hidden from her for eighteen years...




ο Unlike most dragons, Vera tends to have an upset stomach after eating raw meat

ο Vera's favorite flowers are daffodils

ο Her inner mouth is blue, inspired by real-world blue-tongued skinks

ο Vera's initial design was anthro - it's undergone drastic changes since then!

ο Vera's final design was influenced by my first experimentation with color theory & my love of zebra stripes :)


ο Piper - Best Friend

ο Raya - Mother

ο Pyrrhus - Father Figure

ο Makani - Best Friend

ο Petra - Best Friend