spooky's Comments

Spooky- naww this fella is adorable! Doesn't look like theyd hurt a fly, even with the ghosts surrounding em! If this sweetheart is still up id love them, theyd go great with my fursonas!

Hello! This guy caught my eye ^^ if you allow me id like to take them off of your hands!

This user's account has been closed.

i would love him

all the characters you commented on are unavailable, and you can only claim one freebie anyway 

id love to have him!

Can I claim this one?

sorry but you already claimed a freebie 11 days ago, come back next month to try again! 

I can offer anyone in my Toyhouse for this bean either! 

i didn’t find any characters im interested in trading for but thanks for offering! 

Alrighty, thank you for looking through my Toyhouse!! 

i'm low on cash rn but $5 and whoever in my sale folder? https://toyhou.se/battycat/characters/folder:2293318 👀

sorry but i didn’t see anybody i liked! I’m also not willing to part with him for $5 

fair !! hope ya find someone for him :3c