


6 years, 9 months ago




"Calm. My prisoners. Calm.  Under the name of the fire dragons and his holyness Aries /ahem/ and might I say /ahem/ myself...You are free to go. All of  you." The snickering drake told as his captives scampered past him, loosening the chains and bandages and shedding personal belongings. Ensiquorlium is no normal Seer, nor is he a firedragon justicar. He simply finds pleasure for pardoning his victims. Amusing. Peaceful. They call him their savior, they thank him to their soul. That is only when they can speak before they dissapear into the open. They thank him. The pray for him. However to him, he finds pleasure in their words - pleasure in their scamper - scamper for peace. Ensiquorlium does not see the world the same way as they. For they are to him, "big game". 

He lets them go, then he hunts them down several hours later. A trusty rifle and a fools blade - "The Rats Tail", "The Rats Head" - the 1st master of the Redflames hunts them down. Each and every one of his prisoners. Pure bliss it is to him. After all, he is no Justicar. He is an Absolutor. He lets the victims pick their cards, but he will always punish them under the mantra of the Fire Elementaris.

Abilities: Wielding both weapons, there is something extra to this firedragon has to him as well. Through countless years of training, and a misspent trial - the firedragon accidentally learned to detach his left eye from his socket. He also accidentally learned to spew flames from the remaining orifice of where the eye originally was. In return for a  really really bizzare arcane favour, his actions were heard by a strange consequence nobody would expect. The ability to - transiently engulf one of these "sentient eyes" with flames. The ability to detach said flame - and let it float or engulf part of the sky. As far as he wants. Wherever it wants. Upon the battlefield. Ensiquorlium also becomes the eyes of all. He watches everyone. Everything. Nothing escapes him. Especially his prisoners from his twisted "big hunt" of war.

Spotlight: Ensiquorlium (wip)

The Neverturning Mind (trigger warning: blood, torture)

A tinderbox lit the sky, as its blaze became the sun

(wip) Origin story of his eyes

In the legends of Nu. It was said that the daughter of heaven and the Gaia was once taken into hostage by the high priest of the Firedragons. Someone known as the 'Ophiuchi'.   One whom angels often referred to as 'The Enigma'. And whilst the   downright horror of what this being has been known to do on the sacred   world of .  It was that fateful day when the sacred filament and the thread to heaven was severed. and the daughter of the Gaia Waldgeist was lost upon the world below.

The Ophiuchus Enigma was a heavenly emblem which allowed one to calmly step into the waking dreams, the minds of others. It was a Weapon which allowed the wielder to trick dragons and others alike to  experience something entirely else as their material body would be  manipulated by the holder of the emblem to do their terrible biddings.

The Ophiuchus Enigma was cursed with the binding of atrocities, the wielder may only use  this emblem for one thing; -use it to mindwrend others into commiting  heinous genocides...Course... this would normally dispell any thieves  and divines into using it to their own. 

On the day the Sceurnas fell. The one known as The Ophiuchus, Ensiquorlium devastated the little leafed wyvern by attempting to break her. However, the cost of trying to mindwrench a higher being from the likes of heaven, the ophiuchi shattered his own mind. growing delusional and mad.

