hay can i get him when i get paid 

What? You didn’t pay me anything??

no i was just letting you know my paypal is being weird but when i get paid this week i can pay for him 



ill let ya know when

ill pay 60

hay i would pay 40 for him 

Does anyone interest you? (fnkyb123 anyone is up for offers I'm a bit tent about Nytalus) i also have 150 DA points ik its not a lot, I also have 15 dollars, I just REALLY love this guy, I can also try to draw your characters (Also please forgive the mess that is my page I really need to work on it)

I would take 15$!! 

Great! What's your Paypal? It may take a while as I need someone else to pay for me, and I need to gather up the courage to ask them.

Omg i am so so sorry i Never replied- are you still interested?

Would someone in my th interest you? Sonas are offlims

No sorry :[

Anyone in my th catch ur eye^^ preferably not in sonas but I will consider if u do! I can also give art! https://toyhou.se/14741124.art-examples

I can offer ocs in my ufo, you can also look in my other folders, though I will be tent on those. The folder marked as “me” is off limits.

I didn’t see anyone sorry <3 mainly looking for money offers atm