


6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Paid Adopt

Adopt Original Cost $22

Sensitive Backstory

This character has a rough childhood backstory, if you do not like such subjects please do not read.


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Missing References: Back Tattoo

*Damien's Profile*

Name: Damien Mortuus (He took on this last name himself, Latin for 'to die'"

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, he stopped caring at 650 years.

Race: Death Demon (AKA Angel of Death)

Height: 6' 7''

Body Type: Athletic
...Body Fat Low
...Muscle High

Sexuality: Bisexual

Looks: Damien is a very well built demon and wares shirts that show this off, if he wears one at all. He is often seen in black or dark colors. His hair is mostly short with a small ponytail in the back, sometimes it is braided. Damien's has several tattoos all over his body; there is one on his back as well. The wing on his left side comes out when he is healing, stealing someone's life, or if he wills it.

He has very faint scars on his chest and on his back, there is a larger number of scars on his back from beatings.

Role/Job: Wounder/Slave

Powers: Death Demons have the ability to heal any wound no matter how fatal it may be or anything unnatural, like poison or curses. They take the wound/poison into their body and suffer the effects for a short time and heal their body. But the cost of it takes away from their life span. So the more fatal the wound is the more of their life is lost. They cannot heal sicknesses or diseases.

However if they take someone's life, kill them by drain their life through the hand with the red seal, which is normally kept gloved, they can turn that life into their own. This is why they are seen as beings that bring death as many do not want to give up their own lives to save others and kill to live.

He also has a command of dark magic for attacking and defense.

Damien has a Raven familiar that he can send out to spy on people or gather information with. It transmits what it sees and hears to Damien.

Weapon: A dark Lance, has no special features, but he can channel his magic into it.

History/Bio:(Sensitive Subject)

At first things were normal for Damien as a demon child, his parents loved him and did what they could for their son. But not long after his 13th birthday things changed, a single black feathered wing started to grow from his back and a red magic circle appeared on his hand. These were the traits of a Death Demon, such a rare species that he was only the second known to exist. When his parents realized what he was they knew they could profit from their sons ability to heal anything and so they started to use him. They made money off his power and when he grow week took him out to kill whoever they could find to recharge him. This went on till some time after Damien turned 18 and he could not take killing innocent people anymore, he turned on his parents and took their lives and ran away. This is something that still hunts his dreams.

Damien lived on his own, in relative peace, for a long time. In his 100th years however the second war between demons and angels broke out and he was recruited to fight and his skills earned him a position on one of the top ranked units, which included the top demon lord and his son. In a battle with the angels the Demon lord’s son was gravely wounded and there was no way to save him. Damien had become friends with him and to save his life Damien revealed himself in front of the lord. After Damien saved his son the lord grabbed Damien and forced him into a blood contract to serve him.

Damien was enslaved to this demon for over 400 years and forced to do terrible things he never wanted, but to break the rules of the contract caused him such pain he numbed himself to his own feelings and followed orders. He was even used for the lord’s amusement or most anything else the demon saw fit to demand of Damien. His only comfort was the son; he had felt bad Damien had been rewarded with enslavement for saving his life. So he did what he could to ease Damien's time as a slave to his father.

Somehow the son caught wind of the angels plan to seal the demons in their realm, so they could no longer cause chaos in the human world. He went to Damien and told him a plan, he would have his father give permission to send Damien on a mission and Damien was not to return. He figured that if the angels sealed of the demon realm and Damien was in the human world when it happened the contract would break. So Damien did as he was told and sure enough when the angels sealed most the demons away the contract broke and he was free. But his only friend was now lost to him. He has lived in hiding in the human world having to move often if he is found.

Lore of Death Demons

Along ago there was a demon and angel that fell in love and against all odds their love grew and there was twin boys born. One had more demonic features with one black wing while the other was born with angelic features and a white wing on the opposite side as his brother. The parents had to hide the existence of their children. But in time the angels and demons learned of the twins and came to kill them all.

When they came, they killed the parents first and the boys came running out. One in sorrow the other in rage, the boys attacked the ones that killed their mother and father and a red circle appeared on their left hand and took the lives of the attackers. The twins went back to their parents and a blue circle appeared on the right hand and they gave their mother and father the life they took. The angels and demons wanted this power and so took the one closes to them and that parent and they were never allowed to see each other again. The angel still lives the demon killed himself as he lived a life of abuse and could no longer kill for the demon lords.


Personality Traits:
Plays an Ass, Loner, Does What He Must, Hides Emotions
Kind Hearted, Lonely, Deep Sadness, Confused

Over all the years of abuse as a slave to the demon lord and other demons Damien had become very numb to his own emotions and confused. He wears a thick mask that hid most all signs of how he is feeling. It has become so thick he sometimes does not even know what he feels himself. He has done so many things he hates himself because of the contract and the pain he feels if he fights back has broken him in many ways that has left him something of a shell.

Even when he has his freedom and finds someone that he cares about he does not know how to act. Even though he is free having control himself is so strange to him he does not know what to do. Some of his actions are still like he was being control. Damien does not know how to show the emotion his partner needs and it bothers him that he can’t seem to convey it.

Damien can be an ass because sometimes it is the only way he can get anything done and because it was so natural to act that way before to protect himself. When he was first freed and hiding in the human world he took to drinking to escape his past.

Relationships with other OCs

None at this time.

Challenging games
Being with someone he cares for
Training and getting Stronger
Having control of any kind, but some times does not know what to do with it.

Large groups of people
People that will not see past what he is
Utter Ass holes, stuck up, people that think they are better than others

Great Physical Strength
Skilled with his Spear
Close Rage use off magic and shielding

If his wing is damaged it can cause him great pain.
Long Range Combat
Though acts like he does not care he does hate when people think badly of him and it does hurt him
If he has drank to much it does impair his skills(takes quite alot)