
Age [Unknown]
Height [6'2]
Gender ["Male"]
Pronouns [info]
Species [Living Doll]
Theme [song]
Orient. [info]
Status [y/n]
Significant Other [Alice]
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Home [info]
World [info]
Job [info]
Worth [$$$]
Type [main]
Status [active]
Creator [Dead-Face]
Code by Vom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Character Name sed porttitor urna. Nullam eu rhoncus ligula. Praesent accumsan urna urna, sit amet varius lacus consectetur sit amet. Curabitur venenatis felis eu efficitur feugiat. Morbi id eros placerat, iaculis dolor sit amet, facilisis neque. Nunc at dolor sed tortor feugiat egestas.


Suspendisse sed convallis est. Morbi at sem ultricies, iaculis ipsum venenatis, maximus arcu. Integer et congue mi, sit amet efficitur erat. Aenean sed mi eget augue pellentesque ornare. Duis consequat, dui vel rutrum laoreet, neque ex vehicula lacus, eget efficitur ante erat vitae leo. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

Design Notes:
  • Vivamus feugiat est porttitor
  • Curabitur vel mauris ac nulla pulvinar dictum
  • Phasellus sollicitudin mauris tempor
  • Nullam nec neque eget tortor hendrerit dictum a et massa
  • Pellentesque rutrum quam non ipsum egestas
  • Aenean scelerisque eros eget tellus consequat luctus


Suspendisse sed convallis est. Morbi at sem ultricies, iaculis ipsum venenatis, maximus arcu. Integer et congue mi, sit amet efficitur erat. Aenean sed mi eget augue pellentesque ornare. Duis consequat, dui vel rutrum laoreet, neque ex vehicula lacus, eget efficitur ante erat vitae leo. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.


  • In ut nisi quam. Integer quis luctus eros, ut imperdiet metus.
  • Nunc venenatis id odio ac placerat. Suspendisse porttitor, augue a interdum congue, tortor sem venenatis nibh, vitae convallis mauris magna sit amet nisi.
  • Integer et lacus lectus. Sed rutrum risus nisl. Duis accumsan congue massa vitae euismod. Integer dapibus magna at nibh porttitor pretium. Duis iaculis dignissim rhoncus.
  • Phasellus at enim porta, scelerisque erat sit amet, tincidunt ex. Ut vel metus odio. Mauris porttitor lorem varius lacus imperdiet consequat.
  • Vestibulum a massa eu urna varius dictum non vel libero.


  • Suspendisse
  • Pellentesque
  • Vulputate
  • Convallis
  • Vestibulum

Skills & Abilities

In ut nisi quam. Integer quis luctus eros, ut imperdiet metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc nec erat vel ex ultrices bibendum nec non est.
Class aptent taciti
In ut nisi quam. Integer quis luctus eros, ut imperdiet metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc nec erat vel ex ultrices bibendum nec non est.
Maecenas a laoreet
In ut nisi quam. Integer quis luctus eros, ut imperdiet metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc nec erat vel ex ultrices bibendum nec non est.


This boy is way older than he looks and most certainly not human. In the lands of origin it was and still is very common to craft handmade dolls, brought to life through magical crystals. Those dolls are graced with beauty and elegance beyond any human being. But they are still a product, something that will be sold and used until they are no longer valuable.

After his creation this young man (as one of the most beautifull models at that time), was first sold to one of the royal families of the kingdom. He learned to dance, sing and fulfill every wish of his masters. But the years passed and newer, better dolls came to life. They were capable of more than his limited talents, they were more beautifull than him and could feel more human emotions than he ever could. So it came to be that he was replaced and he returned to his creator. But for his maker he was burden, unsold money that he couldn't get rid off, because the new models were far superior.

There was only one place were dolls like him were used...the brothel. For a good price he was sold to one of the larger brothels in town. Bought by man and woman alike, his days passed until one day and angry customer decided to take revenge on him. In his anger he ripped the boys arm from his body and crushed it beneath his heels. This was the first time the doll experienced real physical pain.

And again, after losing one arm, he was replaced. The owner of the brothel who had bought him didn't want to waste the money to actually repair his arm. So he was thrown out of the brothel and into the cold streets. Even tho he couldn't die from hunger or thirst, he considered to take his life and ripp the crytsal out of his chest.

That night he was found by an old, kind man. He offered to take him to the warmth of his house and look after his arm. With nothing to lose, the doll followed him. This was the time when he found his new home, alongside other dolls that no longer were valuable to the society. The man had a farm outside of the city were he took in these homeless dolls, despite their flaws. He treated them well and offered them to life with him and his wife, if they would help him keep the farm running.

For the first time, the young doll truly felt home. He settled in and the old farmer even went out of his way to craft him a new arm. It was a heavy, metallic arm thrown together from various items the farmer could find. Statisfied with his life, he couldn't know, that his greates happiness still was to come. Because here, on this old farm, lacking any beauty or elegance, he found you, his true and only love. And he finally knew, that his true purpose was to make you happy.

Name | relationship
Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
Name | relationship
Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
Name | relationship
Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
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