Lorelei "Tundra" Rath



Basic Info

Animal Species

Mountain Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus)


Trust 200%


Slow Healing Debuff

Tundra, disgraced doctor and Supporter Operator, will assist you from a safe distance.

Honestly, she has very unhealthy habits for a doctor. Someone should stop her.


Decel Binder


Deals Arts Damage and Slows the target for a short time



All [Medic] Operators' ATK +10% when Tundra is deployed


Painkilling 7

Auto Recovery Manual

ATK +10%, now heals allied units instead of attacking.

Degradation 7

Auto Recovery Auto

Deals half damage to enemies around targets and their RES -20 for 6 seconds.

RIIC Skills
bskill_dorm_all%26one1_0.png Laziness

When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, self Morale recovered per hour -0.1, but restores +0.2 Morale per hour to all Operators assigned to that Dormitory (Only the strongest effect of this type tales place).

bskill_hire_spd4.png Decorated Researcher

When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, HR contacting speed +40%

Tundra's Token
A small, dusty award medal. It's too worn to read.

Equipped Module

Module Name

Module specifications. A highlight looks like this. [Read More]

[Code Name]
[Combat Experience]
[Place of Birth]
[Date of Birth]
September 25
Originium crystals distributed across surface of body, confirmed Infected by medical examination.
[Physical Strength]
[Physical Resilience]
[Tactical Acumen]
[Combat Skill]
[Originium Arts Assimilation]
Operator Tundra arrived at one of Rhodes Island's Leithanien branches seeking employment as a doctor and a researcher, but lacked sufficient documentation. She was accepted after showing consistent extremely high scores on aptitude and rigorous medical knowledge tests. Despite her casual and somewhat lethargic attitude, Operator Tundra's history and psychological profile suggest an intelligent yet troubled mind.

Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell Originium Asssimilation] 14%

Operator Tundra has clearly visible Originium crystals on the left half of her body and scattered across her back.

[Blood Crystal Density] 0.29 u/L

Due to the operator's lifestyle choices, her infection is far worse than it should be. She must be monitored so her condition does not worsen further.

Archive File 1

After conducting a cursory investigation, we have found records of an individual called Dr. Lorelei Rath in Leithanien newspapers. This person, a tall Elafia woman with brown hair, won several awards a few decades ago in the fields of medical research and Arts application. Her research appeared to have been conducted independently, but she suddenly disappeared about ten years ago.

This time period matches the amount of time the Operator claims to have been working for a Spire of Leithania.

With all but complete certainty we can conclude this Dr. Rath is Operator Tundra's true identity. When approached by a logistics worker on the topic, Operator Tundra simply smiled sadly, closed her eyes, and left. Whether we should continue investigating is up to the discretion of Dr. Kal'tsit and Amiya.

Archive File 2

The medical department is at their wits' end with Operator Tundra.

Despite being a member of the department herself, she has displayed a consistent tendency for oversleeping, poor diet, and smoking, on top of signs of psychological conditions such as PTSD, all exacerbating her Oripathy. As of late due to a concerted effort from her own co-workers, her cigarette usage has dropped quite dramatically from multiple in one day to merely one every few days.

We will continue to monitor her condition.

"They're really over-exaggerating with all of that 'unhealthy lifestyle' stuff." —Operator Tundra

"We're not. What kind of doctor smokes in the office!?" —A Medic Operator, to a full room of others who made sounds of affirmation

Archive File 3

By the Operator's own admission, the reason she was removed from the Spire was because of her contracting Oripathy. While working with active originium in a laboratory, the sample suddenly and without warning exploded unnaturally violently. The originium shrapnel lodged into her back and left arm instantly made her condition dire.

She admitted that she was not officially removed, but she resigned on her own immediately and left Leithania. Based on her scarce descriptions of her research, it is possible she feared for her own fate upon becoming an Infected.

We suspect that this "accident" was no accident at all. But why? Why intentionally infect such a talented researcher?

Tundra herself, as always, avoids the topic.

Archive File 4

Tundra's specialties are spread more widely than some. She is a medical doctor and a practitioner of healing Arts, as well as being well-versed in the mechanisms of pain and infection. These are the skills she brings to the battlefield, if reluctantly. It can be safely assumed that these skills were also used in Spire research, although the application of such abilities makes the mind wander to dark areas. Healing arts are used to assist healing and regrowth, but what happens when you're regenerating something just to remove it again...? Like the Columbian labs that operators like Rosmontis were extracted from, ends justifying the means always paves a path of blood.

She hesitates to participate in any research projects of any kind concerning Oripathy, even now that she's with Rhodes Island.

Instead, she prefers to slack off and shirk her duties.

Confidential Record

"I'm a coward. You can tell just by looking at me, can't you?

Yes, I conducted horrible, unethical experiments in Leithania, sponsored by the nobles. The victims of nearly every test were Infected. The worst of it I never saw, but I saw enough. Casters using Arts through the Infected like wands, originium development and growth for commercial purposes... And then they get disposed of...

...Sorry, it's making me sick.

But I did the work anyway... you know? Because I was offered such a prestigious job, because they paid unbelievably well, because they could easily track me down and force me to work on it anyway—They're all excuses. If I really cared I would have left as soon as I saw the first 'patient.' No, the truth is, it's because they said I was useful. I know myself. I would make the same mistake twice.

That's how awful I am.

I went into this work thinking I'd make a difference. And I just might have—Only, I was making the world worse.

Tell me, Doctor. What do you think I should do now? Should I really keep working?"

Doctor, I'm not gonna pretend to know your itinerary, but I'll give it a shot, I guess. Let's start with sorting the files, shall we? I'll... supervise.
Fancy a smoke? ...I'm just kidding, don't look at me like that. I know they're bad for you.
People say my height is very unusual. Where my family is from, around Kjerag, it's actually quite normal for an Elafia to be this tall. Not that I've been there.
I don't like talking to other operators from Leithania much, to be honest. They might recognize me, and I'd really rather not... disappoint people. Sorry, that sounds heavy, doesn't it? Just forget about it, okay, Doctor?
Oh, my antler? It snapped right off when I sat on top of a truck during an excursion. A massive tree branch was overhead and I was looking the other way, and then... Well, it didn't hurt that much, at least. The balancing of my head was all off for a few months though, hah!
Hey, Doctor. Miss Earthspirit, Miss Eyjafjalla, and Miss Mudrock invited me to some kind of... rock exhibition? I don't think it's about Columbian music, ha! ...You think I should go? Maybe I will... Maybe I won't. I like geology just fine, but I'm a doctor at heart.
Ah, my back is sore... It's the age, maybe. And unfortunately the oripathy. The... accident that cost me my position launched shards of originium into my back and arm. They don't hurt much anymore, but it stings now and then.
Doctor, if someone shows up looking for me, please don't get mad if I won't see them. ...I don't have the right to. I... I beg of you to understand.
Doctor, what do you think about starting a new life? Do you think it's possible? ...I think it's too late for me, personally. So instead, how about we go for a drink? What do you say, Doctor? Let's have a long chat about the past, the present, and the future.
Ah, Doctor? Let me take a nap too.
Codename Tundra. Just a doctor and an Arts specialist, no one special.
Ah, that blow looked nasty.
Really? A promotion? ...Do I get any more days off?
Doctor, to eradicate this disease... what lengths are you willing to go? No matter where it is, I'll follow you.
All right, break time's over.
Huh? Me? I mean, I guess I'll try. No promises.
Combat medic work isn't exactly my forte.
Don't get yourself hurt.
Yeah, I'm awake!
Should I go?
Just relax.
Causing pain, again...
Stay still, now!
I'll be right there!
What rotten work.
You look worse than me.
So these are the abilities of Rhodes Island. Maybe, just maybe... You'll achieve some real change, here and beyond.
Congratulations, everyone. No casualties. And now, I'll go kick my feet up for a bit...
Give up on catching them. It's not worth it...
Move, move, move! We've got injured! Make way!
Very clean and bright in here. I like it.
Whoa! Be careful!
Rhodes Island is such a nice place, really. The only thing wrong is that your ceilings are too low. Stooping over like this is gonna make my back even worse.
Ah, Doctor.

One-to-two sentence summary for the record.


One-to-two sentence summary for the record. MEDAL URL

Description of the Paradox Simulation. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Tundra has a positive opinion, or perhaps more accurately, a feeling of solidarity with the Doctor. As people who did terrible things in the past they now regret, Tundra finds them a kindred soul.
Kal'tsit strongly disapproves of Tundra's overall attitude and living habits, which means that if she manages to track her down (not particularly difficult due to the operator's noticeable frame), she will be lectured extensively if caught lazing about or indulging in vices. Tundra avoids her at all costs.
Despite initial apprehension, the shared backgrounds of being Leithanien Supporter Operators means that they converse casually. Often, they are listening to each other complain about work or banging their horns against doorframes.
Eyjafjalla, as a famous and experienced volcanologist following bravely and faithfully in her parents' footsteps, makes Tundra feel awfully ashamed and inadequate by comparison. She actively avoids meeting or talking with her, although she fully believes that Eyjafjalla is a sweet and intelligent girl.
Currently placeholder text.



Operator Name

Description for the outfit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Brand Name


Operator Name

Description for the outfit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.