Faust Barioth



2 years, 8 months ago


Faust Barioth
  • Arctic Dire Wolf
  • Dragonguard
  • Kveld of Barioth
  • Displaced

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Personal Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum, blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex sapien.

Suspendisse bibendum gravida dolor, non consequat eros laoreet et. Morbi ex nisl, tempus at mauris in, varius laoreet odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla sodales, turpis at condimentum hendrerit, lacus nisl ullamcorper nibh, sed blandit enim elit ut nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur sodales dolor erat, ac molestie ante dictum eget. Fusce ut purus elementum, condimentum nisi id, convallis mi. Aenean vitae sagittis sapien. Quisque sit amet mi in leo posuere pulvinar.

Ex veniam. Consequat velitesse and consequuntur yet error but ullamco so accusantium, for nulla. Enim quisquam or nostrud or ea. Consequat eiusmod, sed and eaque quo velitesse. Perspiciatis vitae, proident, ea et. Inventore illum so eiusmod or inventore for dicta ad deserunt. Iure fugiat adipisicing. Id rem illo fugit and do yet corporis.

Hardy Constitution

Burly and packed with muscle, Faust is a formidable fighter. After sesasons of fighting dragons, saber cats, and dire bears, his stamina in battle in unmatched. Living in the arctic for so long has made his constitution as hardy as he is stubborn. It will take a lot to put this wolf down.

Combat Style

Aggressive and powerful, Faust is a physical fighter even when using his Will. He often imbues his bites with electricity or frost when he isn't using his massive paws to dizzy or grapple opponents. Though he is not very agile due to his bulk, his muscles have explosive power and immense strength. He will use his weight and size against his enemies, often throwing them or slamming them to the ground. He relies on brute force to win his battles quickly as he tires easily from prolonged periods of sustained effort.

Blood Surge

When blood is spilled, Faust's adrenal glands will kick into overdrive. This gives him a massive boost to his strength, speed, and endurance; gives him the ability to push past his body's limits for a short period of time. It can also reduce the severity of his injuries mid-battle or can be used to heal moderate injuries afterwards. His shoulders and forelegs are covered in scars from activating this trait with his own tusks. It isn't uncommon for Faust to purposefully allow himself to be injured in a fight when he needs an extra blood surge.

Saber's Roar

An unusual mutation in some Barioth dire wolves is their ability roar like a lion or amplify their voice through their Will. Faust can do both and has been known to let loose a gutteral war-cry to intimidate or deafen his enemies. The force of his lugns can sometimes create small blasts of air that accompany the noise and can be strong enough to knock things over.

Electric Conduction

The spines along his back and tail have nodes within them that produce and conduct teal or light blue electricity. When he is excited or agitated, these nodes often spark and send electric bolts dancing across his back. He can conduct electricity throughout his entire body. He sometimes discharges lightning from his jaws or body to strike at opponents from a distance.

Arctic Frost

Faust's body runs colder than most–frost often dusts the armored plates of his legs, tusks, spikes, and fur. The frost is cool to the touch but melts under warm weather. His ice magic is much weaker in hot envrionments. Though his Will over its frozen forms is stronger, he can also manipulate the water around him to assist in swimming, fishing, and even create small clouds of fog, snow, or rain.


Combining his abilities, Faust can conjure small thunderstorms or blizzards with a howl or roar. Projecting the wind, snow, and electricity from his jaws, these storms only affect the immediate area around him.



Muscular, Broad, & Massive; 42 inches at the shoulder & 270 lbs

White and black coloration Broad shoulders and chest, with powerful long legs that help him in grappling Large, wide paws with dark blue webbing between his toes improve his swimming speed; his toes are flexible and spread farther apart to create a greater surface area to use as paddles; his black paw pads are broad, helping to distribute his weight over ice and snow Two tusks protrude down from his upper jaw; he has two rows of teeth to help him keep a grip on prey when fishing Teal electricity often dances through his teeth and around his tusks, especially when agitated or excited He has a thick messy mane that starts at the back of his head and runs down his neck; he has a thick-furred black dorsal stripe that leads to his two bushy white and black tails Armored black plates dusted with frost line the front of both of his forelegs and the backs of his hind legs; the same hard material spikes up through his thick mane at the back of his head and neck, with smaller spikes and plates running along his dorsal stripe and throughout his two tails Some spikes are frosted with ice that hides small electric blue and teal nodes that generate electricity under the frosty tips Pale icy blue eyes

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Veserunt suscipit. Vel officia aute and sint yet anim so ipsum. Lorem ullamco quisquam. Quis enim ex unde. Minim sequi ab. Totam nequeporro or dolores for incidunt so totam but veniam. Fugiat omnis so laborum aliquam. Si nequeporro. Amet. Laudantium corporis architecto, and qui.

Item 1

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 2

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 3

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 4

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 5

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Auster Helvig // Fellow Kveld, Starbrother, & Oldest Friend

Describe the relationship here.

Quae perspiciatis yet voluptas nequeporro ut consequat and culpa. Beatae. Numquam fugit for beatae, aliquid for nequeporro ullam eu. Inventore labore and laudantium or ab and ad. Tempor qui or error, or laborum or labore, and totam, or sunt.

Tallulah Cannonbelle // Friend, Partner in Old Kalonia Trade Deal

Describe the relationship here.

Quae perspiciatis yet voluptas nequeporro ut consequat and culpa. Beatae. Numquam fugit for beatae, aliquid for nequeporro ullam eu. Inventore labore and laudantium or ab and ad. Tempor qui or error, or laborum or labore, and totam, or sunt.

Name // relationship

Describe the relationship here.

Quae perspiciatis yet voluptas nequeporro ut consequat and culpa. Beatae. Numquam fugit for beatae, aliquid for nequeporro ullam eu. Inventore labore and laudantium or ab and ad. Tempor qui or error, or laborum or labore, and totam, or sunt.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum, blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex sapien.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum, blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex sapien.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum, blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex sapien.