Sofian Vlahos



2 years, 7 months ago


Gaia faction

The faction that heals and trains all those with the K.D.F and teaches them the skills needed in the other factions. although they have a great general knowledge of all areas, their talents lie in healing all those on the base and in the orbiting ships above, those part of this faction both teacher and healer alike all answer to Jennifer Harvest, though swift and soft-spoken, a force to be reckoned with, faster than she looks and packing a fiery punch, none wish to scorn this healer.


General information

Name: Sofian Vlahos
Age: 31
Species: Gardevoir* + Altaria*
Gender: Male
Job: Therapist
Type: Psychic/Dragon

+good listener
--cruel when angered

Background: Sofian was born into a fairly regular family, aside from the fact that nearly everybody there was involved in military business. The father was a retired general, the mother a quick-thinking dispatcher and his siblings all showed prowess in either strategy or combat. Sofian too. He was skilled in many of these things, too. Sofian's appearance conflicted with his actual capabilities, and although he was often picked at for looking "girly" most bullies never made off without a bruised face. Sofian became somewhat of a loner, feared for his strength. To top it off, he was taller than most other kids too.

Military career proved to be an obvious choice for the shiny hybrid. His siblings knew he was a softie, somewhere deep down (Sofian used to always bury dead ferals sometimes found in the yard). Although, he repressed many of his feelings during his service time. Sofian was as distant as ever, really - but did the job better than most. He cut through enemy lines and carried fellow soldiers back across the battlefield, never tiring.

Having eventually seen enough of war, Sofian found himself tired and mentally scarred. He wanted his old, happier self back - but couldn't really know how to do it. A couple of sessions here and there helped the hybrid, who also became inspired by the therapists' work and aimed for a re-education. Now settled with the Gaia faction, Sofian helps soldiers and others to cope with their experiences on the field - well aware that horrors from space are worse than anything he's ever seen.

Pokemon information
Ability: Synchronize
Item: N/A
Equipped item: N/A

Moves: ((MUST be moves learned by pokemon species, if hybrids select moves learned by any of the parents))
d9mlmg2-83ac18a5-f583-4340-97b2-4c00fae6Sky Attack

d9mlg3i-1af912cc-800e-4610-bc4a-ec27fba4Dragon Pulse

d9mlmgo-8fe7234d-51dc-4f15-b552-e44dcb3fDraining Kiss

d9mlmgo-8fe7234d-51dc-4f15-b552-e44dcb3fDisarming  Voice

Stats: ((if hybrid, highest of the two))
HP: 75
Attack: 70
Defense: 90
Special attack: 125
Special defense: 115
Speed: 80

Total: 555


★ barely knows

★★ unsure

★★★ acquaintance

✦ friend

✦✦ close friend

✦✦✦ best friend

✘ dislikes

✘✘ hates

✘✘✘ pure enemy

✽ family

✢ colleague

♥ crush

♥♥ love

♥♥♥ married

Jennifer Pyro / flerna / ✢ / "She's a good leader. I hope she doesn't step off."
Demona Lilly / flerna /✢★★★/ "I do enjoy your company. Again sometime, perhaps?"
Balluri Nirav / cutevulpix56 / ✢★★★/ "You don't ask for cottonnee therapy... you get it when you need it."

Extra information
Has a couple bullet scars from being shot.
Still packs a mean punch - trains regularly.

Full reference