


3 years, 21 days ago


Name: Aoishi Zigsha
Name Pronunciation: Ah-oh-ee-shee Zihg-sh-ah
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Birthday: October 17th
Marked/Symbolized/Mutated: No/Yes/Yes (Color Mutation)
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Demisexual
Family: Unknown
Current Pack: Shadow Clans
Current Rank: Soldier (Also training to be an Assassin, but does not yet hold the rank.)

Personality: Aoishi is quite reserved and observant. He is incredibly prideful and stubborn, seeing himself as above others due to his skills regardless of his rank, and usually will not take orders from anyone but his commanders or leader due to this. He is also quite cruel and ruthless, especially in a fight. Despite his skills and cruelty, he is not all that violent by nature, and would rather end a fight quickly. He prefers to make the least amount of mess possible, at least on himself, viewing having to go clean up afterward as a waste of his time.

Backstory/Info: Aoishi doesn't remember his childhood much, so much so that he doesn't even remember the pack that he came from or even his own parents. It's all a big blank space in his memory up until he was brought to the Shadow Clans to train as a soldier. That is one thing he has always known for sure, that he was brought to that pack because they saw his potential. Despite being tormented and even occasionally beaten in his younger years by his "teachers" and other superiors, he feels that he belongs there. Though he is a simple soldier as of right now, Aoishi usually ends up working directly for any of his commanders, very rarely does he take orders from any other wolves unless the orders are just coming through them. He has also started training to be an assassin, as his superiors have seen his skill and came to the conclusion that he is suited for it.

Through the years, Aoishi has been in many fights, getting a few scars in some places; too few for the number of fights he has been in. He has been known to be a very impressive fighter, even to the point that others have asked him for tips to improve themselves. He takes pride in this as he takes great pride in his skills, though he is still improving every day. Aoishi is also known to be incredibly ruthless in battle and will gladly inflict any sort of horrible wound to win.

Random facts:
-He is described as not very violent, and it is simply because he'd rather just go ahead and kill his opponent rather than take time, be overly violent, be borderline torturous, and make a huge mess.
-He hates making a huge mess in a fight, usually making a fuss about it when having to go wash up afterward.
-He was originally going to still have memory of his family, but I took that away to give him more personal focus on the life he leads.
-He mentally has what he likes to call his "Killed" list, keeping track of the number of wolves he has killed and of which species individually.
- To go along with the above statement, the current number of wolves he has killed is 37. 8 Earth wolves, 8 enemy Shadow wolves, 9 Mud wolves, 7 Forester wolves, 3 Poison wolves, and 2 Metal wolves.