Clemency (Lavinia & Merritt)



5 years, 11 months ago



BirthdayForgottenTrue Age178BirthdayForgottenTrue Age178
SireClemencyTurned Age11SireClemencyTurned Age11

  • apparently middle class didnt exist yet so they were rich, but not like crazy rich just like normal rich
  • lavinia and merritt had a lot of free time due to being rich
  • when they were young (like 4 or 5) they saw a dove crash into a building and slowly die and watched it because they didnt understand death and they were curious. after it died they played with it a little bit because again they didnt really get that it was a living creature that had died
  • so when they got a little older they started to kill animals because they were curious about what death meant. they learned different ways that things could die, like being cut open or drowned, etc. 
  • when they were 11, their father caught them killing an animal, and thought that they might be witches (european witch hunts were kind of sporadic but still alive and kicking). in order to not be hanged/stoned/burned, they killed their father and mother. but also they wanted to kill humans. their parents didnt fight back because they didnt want to hurt their children :'(
  • in a shocking turn of events, murdering their parents did prevent their parents from accusing them of being witches. but the rest of the town now thought they were murderous witches instead, which was objectively worse. but 11 year olds dont have a good eye for consequence
  • clemency happened to be passing through town at this point and heard that there were two children accused of murdering their parents and that they were going to be killed as punishment. clemency, who was still on her kick to see the good in people, could not possibly believe something as innocent, pure, and untainted as small children could possibly be capable of murder. so in order to keep the town from killing them, clemency broke the big vampire rules and turned the children into vampires
  • because of their cold emotional detachment, they both turned silver, making clemency the only known vampire to have turned or possessed two silver vampires
  • due to the fact that the children became silver vampires which are rare and powerful, they were allowed to live
  • clemency brought the children back to her lovely town salvation, and the three of them all live there now. lavinia and merritt dont attend meetings because they are technically.. evil. they do attend council hearings, as is required of silvers

  • because in the victorian era, children of both sexes wore dresses, merritt wears dresses most of the time, and because boys wore pink and girls wore blue, merritt dresses in pink and lavinia in blue. at meetings they sometimes wear white/ivory to match clemency, but will still accent their outfits with pink or blue.
  • they like to kill birds best; desdemona fucking hates them and never goes anywhere near them
  • bennet hates them and they hate bennet. theyve probably burned bennet before
  • the people of salvation are low key afraid of them
  • they havent killed people in like forever bc mama clem will get Real Mad if they kill some of the people in salvation
  • but they catch lizards and birds a lot and they still kill them. at least theyre less wasteful now bc they drink their blood too
  • they rarely speak to strangers
  • only lavinia and clemency can call merritt 'merry', and only merritt and clemency can call lavinia 'vinnie.' if someone else did it they would burn them
  • clemency still thinks theyre sweet and innocent
  • lavinia is older than merritt by a few hours. their parents chose their names to match their ages (L and M being next to each other alphabetically, L first). if merritt had been born first, they would have been larkin and marjorie.
  • merritt is ever so slightly taller than lavinia. it's barely noticeable (like a centimeter) but if he stands on his tiptoes it looks like 3cms, which annoys lavinia
  • merritt has bangs because he thought having to tuck his hair behind his eyes was annoying. now he thinks having bangs is annoying, but growing them out is way more annoying so he's stuck with them.
  • when dressing up, lavinia often wears her hair half up, half down (kinda like jacques) and merritt wears his hair in a ponytail or bun. merritt wears his hair up sometimes anyway if it starts to annoy him
  • lavinia is more of the ring leader between them, whereas merritt is more impressionable. everything they killed was probably her idea but merritt was fine with it anyway.
  • they both like burning people when its punishment time but lavinia likes it a teeny bit more