☆Starnies Handbook (Dark Starnies)



You will need a special Myo to make a Dark Starnie! They are much rarer than regular Starnies



Sometimes... when a wisher wishes upon a star trillions of miles away... that star is already Dead. The light we see is just a remnant, traveling through space and time. 

Dark Starnies are born when a wisher unknowingly wishes upon a dead star. Dark Starnies are much like regular Starnies and could be mistaken for one if not for their unique abilities and personalities.

They tend to be more chaotic and apt to fight, whereas normal Starnies are peaceful by nature. Dark Starnies have a lot more negative traits than regular Starnies but they are not evil! They are just antiheroes with a lot of character flaws and possibly morally grey actions/choices. If regular Starnies are the sweet neighborhood doggos then Dark Starnies are the moody gremlin kitty cats that still crave your love and attention even as they go out of their way to pretend that they don't care. Dark Starnies crave mischief and love to flaunt their power. They will do as they please with seemingly reckless disregard for others. They get into everything and will surely make a mess wherever they go.

These guys can definitely be scary but despite all the chaos they are still Starnies and they care about the wishmaker and their purpose by instinct. The catch is, when a dead star becomes a Starnie, they don't always know what wish they are supposed to grant or even that they are meant to grant a wish. Like other Starnies though, they have a sharp 6th sense and may quickly pinpoint their wishmaker and start working things out for themselves.

Dark Starnies are very Powerful besides being unnaturallly fast and strong. They have a unique set of skills that can be learned as they level up. Some of these skills can only be learned by Dark Starnies. They also level up at twice the speed that regular Starnies do (by counting 2 levels for every art piece instead of 1). Dark Starnies can't learn all the same skills as regular Starnies but they can learn some.


Unlocked at Level 0:

Light absorb: This skill allows your Starnie to absorb light energy into their skin. The skin only appears to turn black because no light is bouncing off of it. This energy can be used later for attacks. The light can be absorbed by portions of their skin or over their entire body. This skill can also be utilized for stealth!

Unlocked at Level 3: 

Deep Night glow: Your Starnie's eyes will glow when it's pitch black out. However they have learned to cancel this ability when needed by shifting their irises black.

Unlocked at Level 5: 

Star magic: The same that a regular Starnies can learn but the light is much dimmer. Dark Starnies can see in the dark, so they don't need this energy to light their way.

Star punch: Star magic that can be channeled to other parts of the body besides the tail for supercharged attacks.

Unlocked at Level 10:

Night illusion: Your Starnie can create minor to more advanced illusions but only at night.

Unlocked at Level 15:

Dissolve: Your Starnie can vanish into miniscule particles. They can't do anything in this state but they can't be hurt either.

Unlocked at Level 20:

Dark orbs: Your Starnie can now summon fist-sized Dark fizzling balls of energy. They can summon up to 12 at a time. Careful! These are dangerous and highly explosive.

Unlocked at Level 25:

Energy sphere: Dark energy but the same concept as the regular energy sphere.

Unlocked at Level 30: 

Supernova beam: An extremely powerful beam of energy that can be fired at targets. 

Unlocked at Level 35:

Blackhole punch: A punch so powerful it creates a Black hole!!

Unlocked at Level 40:

Dark burn: Your Starnie can leave a burn on whatever they touch.. as if the heat of a star is in their fingertips.

Unlocked at Level 50:

Fourth eye: There is nothing Your Starnie can't see. Their eyes penetrate everything, space, time, thoughts, past and future events. They are not totally omniscient but they are not hindered by physical boundaries.

Unlocked at Level 60: 

Star giant: Your Starnie can summon star pieces of mass proportions.

Unlocked at Level 70:

Light speed: Your starnie can now travel at light speed.

Unlocked at Level 80: 

Blackhole parade: Your Starnie can now summon multiple blackholes.

Unlocked at Level: 90

Dark Star Harness: Your Starnie can now harness the star within...or the void...

Unlocked at Level 100: 

Wish slayer: Your Starnie can now destroy the wishes of those with ill-intent.

Extra level shop skills:

Shadow melt: Your starnie can melt into the shadows and pop back out of any shadow they want to. This doesn't work in the absence of shadows however!

Gravity distortion: Your Starnie can now control the strength of gravity.

Lights out: Your Starnie now has the ability to create total darkness in a surrounding area.

New Traits:


Exclusive (Dark Starnies can have any regular Starnie traits but these are exclusive to Dark Starnies)

C (Exclusive) Star ashes: Dark particles of ash that float off of and around the Starnie.

UC (Exclusive) Dark mist: A smoke or mist that flows off the skin.

UC (Exclusive) Star strand particles: Flecks of star strand in the skin.

R (Exclusive) Star strand patches: Large patches of star strand in the skin

R (Exclusive) Partial visibility: The Starnie is partially invisible (up to 75%)

R (Exclusive) Transparency/ghost: The Starnie appears transparent. They are still unable to pass through objects without the "Dissolve" skill.

R Detached: detached limbs/body. Suspended by star magic presumably..

UC Double rings: connecting rings

R Star strand full Hair: the entire head of hair is a star strand.

UC Star strand ears:

UC 6-point star disc

R Shooting star disc