Souhei Aomori (颯平)



6 years, 10 months ago


Name: Aomori Souhei
Hero Name: (Short-)Winded
Gender: Male
Class: Hero Class B
Year: Freshman
Height: 5' 9"
Blood Type: A
Sign: Sagittarius
Quirk: Air Kicks
       Channeling air currents around his legs, Souhei's quirk allows him to whip up cyclones and gusts of wind that can be used both offensively and defensively. He can use the air he kicks up to speedily glide by, lift himself up to ride the wind short distances, dodge quickly, and damage or push back foes. Souhei can do sick acrobatics and stunts due to the wind he manipulates that carry and propel his feet along. The cyclones and whirlwinds Souhei can create are expelled and kicked out from his legs/feet, and can grow to the size of a full grown human. They are generally half that size or smaller initially, but the farther they travel from Souhei the larger they become. By themselves, they may last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Depending on the size they themselves are not lethal, but with enough knocking force they can leave a person breathless or throw them into painful/deadly circumstances. Souhei can also kick up little gusts that he can wield in his hands to throw at enemies. He works out so that he can use martial arts in fighting. With his quirk, he also excels at parkour and is very agile and limber.
       Souhei requires the use of his legs to use his quirk, so if they are stuck or otherwise incapacitated, he is unable to create gust or cyclones. He is best at fighting close quarters and has some range, but his gusts cannot blow very far before they peter out. Though his kicks can be very powerful, larger opponents with wind resistance are formidable opponents that require Souhei to be quick on his feet and rely on dodging until back-up arrives. Souhei's wind abilities are not very strong against other wind abilities, and Souhei may find himself being easily blown away by someone with a powerful air quirk. He has little defensive capabilities, and is able to survive most attacks by swiftly dodging with quick thinking and sharp reflexes when using his air kicks. Over-exerting himself causes shortness of breath, and can even choke him as his quirk draws on his breaths to fuel his ability.
Ultimate Move(s): 
       Cyclone Twist Kick - This ultimate move is used to deliver a devastating close quarters blow. Based off the martial art move, 'Roundhouse Kick', Souhei surprises his opponent by bending and lifting his knee, then he twists his torso and spins on the ball of his foot, gathering air and momentum, before snapping his knee and connecting a whirlwind kick to his opponents head or midsection, depending on how high he raises his leg. The cyclone gathered around his leg along with the force of the kick send the opponent flying and spinning in the air. Souhei must then regain his footing, or he may end up spinning on his heel from the momentum and get dizzy.
       Catch the Wind - This ultimate move is used to damage and clear multiple close to mid-range opponents. Souhei needs open room around him to perform this, as he has to do a lot of acrobatic/gymnastic type maneuvers to generate wind around his legs. He creates small-medium size cyclones which he will kick up to his hands as he continues to make more, sending some off with kicks, and throwing the ones he juggles in his hands. They are sent out all around each other and near the enemies, but not thrown or kicked at the targets. Souhei adds more before finally, he does some crazy intense parkour flipping kicky shit before wheeling down and popping out his leg to deliver a large sweeping cyclone kick at the collection of smaller cyclones. The force of the large cyclone causes spins and flares out, sending the others flying to mow down or throw the targets. The cyclones peter out on contact. Immense concentration is required for this ultimate move, and he must be fast to set his cyclones and strategic with their placements. Souhei is always short-winded after this move, and needs a few moments to recover.
       Souhei was one of the most popular kids at his previous school. Kids were really impressed by his quirk, and Souhei was really good at using in ways to look cooler. The popularity got to his head a bit and he is eager to feel well-liked by others. He's got a certain charm to him that earns the trust (though not always the respect) of others his age, especially girls. He's easy to write off as an airhead (haha), and it's true he's good at being both oblivious and in denial, but, perhaps with the influence of his very smart best friend, he's got a mind on his shoulders and a train of thought or two runnin'. While he likes doing stupid things for adrenaline rushes sometimes, he's also a practitioner of meditation. Training in martial arts has helped discipline him and he doesn't do dangerous stunts as often as he used to. He still loves flaunting his quirk, though.
       Due to his training and experiences, he's got sharp reflexes and can actually think fast under pressure. He's a lot more steady in a fight than he is in everyday life, however. It's pretty easy to wreck his ego and bum him out. But he can recover just as quick. He can be a real whirlwind of emotions. If he feels like he is being ignored, it messes with him and jabs at his insecurities. People that Souhei sees as rivals are often people who he feels threatened by for attention. Though he can deal with other attention hogs, if he thinks the other person is also looking down on him, it pushes his buttons. Souhei doesn't really hold grudges and gets over most insults to his ego pretty quickly. He's not an egomaniac and he is humble in the act of heroics. He's friendly, pretty optimistic, and easily flustered when he is teased or when his pride is being poked at.
       He's very serious when it comes to his hero studies and trains his body very hard. He talks a lot but he's passionate about his dreams and will overdo it if it means he can help people.
      Souhei lives in a small apartment with his father and his older brother. His mother, divorced from his father, lives on the country side where she cares for her elderly parents. She encouraged Souhei and his brother to stay in the city with there father because their dreams were there. When he was younger and his parents were still together, he lived in a house next door to Ayumu. When his parents would fight, he would go to Ayumu's house. Because he went frequently, he has come to see Ayumu's parents as parental figures of his own, and they regard him as their 'part-time son'. For awhile they lived in that house even after Souhei's mother left, but when his father got laid off from his job they had to move out. His older brother, who is a senior in high school, is always working multiple part time jobs when he's not studying so he can help pay bills and buy food. Their mother, a nurse, also sends money once a month to help with expenses, but she doesn't have much for herself either. Souhei's father has a low-paying job as well, and has been known to lie about how well his work is going. Though he is a much more compulsive liar than Souhei actually realizes, his father does want whats best for his sons and took a loan, disguising it to his children as a huge bonus, to get him into U.A. Souhei's older brother, despite being harsh on his father about his behavior, also tends to keep their financial worries and other stresses out of light so that Souhei will focus on becoming a hero. He doesn't want Souhei to have to give it up his dream and work so hard it effects his grades like he does. Souhei still has sleepovers with Ayumu and has spent multiple days in a row basically living at Ayumu's house, something his older brother is grateful for because it means they can save a bit more on food as well as utility bills. It also gives Souhei a chance to know what a 'real' family is.
       Souhei doesn't fight with his family very often, he's always been able to just escape to his friend's house when things get tense, but he gets angry when he realizes they are keeping stuff from him. Part of his wish to be a hero is so that he can help his family become financially stable. His parents both have quirks, with his father being able to summon breezes (very helpful in the summer, to keep the air-conditioning bill down!), and his mother having a quirk that allows her to blow gusts of air from her mouth. He was kinda destined to have a wind related quirk. His older brother's quirk lets use air currents to levitate as well as help him lift heavy objects. He's very popular on construction sites.
       Aerobics, parkour, martial arts, sparring, some gymnastics. Souhei played soccer with Ayumu when they were younger and likes to do moves he learned from then with his air gusts. Aside from all this physical training and exercise, Souhei likes to play video games, browse social media, play elaborate board games (nerd), juggle (yep), and collect figurines/cards of his favorite heroes and athletes. He is also good at thrift shopping and sniffing out coupons.