


2 years, 7 months ago




Keeps a field journal where she draws Pokémon’s she finds and writes about them! 

We both have a shiny wurmple with a party hat and we both love nature and being outside and also both have trouble picking a favorite color. 

Curious, Creative, Kind, Gentle, Generous

Wurmy (Naughty)- The Shiny Wurmple w/ Party Hat = the comic relief funny guy trouble maker

Harry (Brave)- Heracross - Tough lady, very protective of all the Pokémon’s especially Daisy

Frosty (Lax) - Snom - Sleepy, Snoozy guy, likes blankets 

Smiley (Jolly) - Spinirak  - very friendly, tends to scare people unintentionally, wants to cuddle 

Daisy (Naive) - Sewaddle - the baby, very curious, always hungry!

Spicy (Rash) - Sizzlipede - grumpy but loves Mariposa, sometimes get jealous especially of Wurmy

She wants to be a Pokemon researcher, specifically for bug type pokemon

She won a drawing contest and got her Snom as a reward. 

Their first pokemon was her Wurmy it was given to her by her grandpa when she turned 10, Wurmy picked up a party hat and had it to this days

Mariposa looooves bug pokemon! 

She likes going on camping trips with her pokemon and spending time in the nature! 

She’s from Kalos but has been traveling with her Grandpa since she was 9 years old! 

She really wants to study in the Lental region doing field research.  

Wurmy - Dream Ball

Harry - Ultra Ball

Frosty - Premier Ball

Daisy - Love Ball

Spicy - Pokeball

Smiley - Friend Ball 

Mariposa has lived with her Grandpa since she was 9, she lost her parents at a young age. She is an only child. 

Mariposa loves to draw and paint with watercolors, specifically things she sees. She also loves to travel and sees new places, if she can’t take her sketchbook somewhere she will take plenty of pictures for reference later! 

Mariposa (and sometimes her Pokemon) do odd jobs to make ends meet, her Grandpa sometimes sends her money if she is in a tight spot. 

Things that make her happy: Drawing, Watercolors, Research, Bug Pokemon, Nature, Flowers, Woodsy and Floral Smells, Spa Days

Things that would frighten her or make her Uncomfortable: Natural Disasters, Talking about her parents, being alone (without her Pokemon or friends)

Types of food they like: cheese, fruits (berries and melons mostly), and bread 

Types of drinks they like: iced tea, water, juice, smoothies