
2 years, 9 months ago


Full Name: Gero

Gender: Male (he/him)

Species: Grim Reaper

Height: 5'9" (179.2 cm) 

Sexuality: Homosexual(?)

Abilities: Basic reaping abilities that come with the job, though he choses to mark people for other reapers. His scythe can turn into a spray-can, which can switch back and forth as he pleases. Instead of using an actual list, most reapers will rely on his marks which names and times of death are telepathically implanted into his mind when he views a person's face. When his hood is down, he can be seen by humans but once his hood is back up, he's invisible to them again. Gero likes interacting in the living word whenever he's not too busy working.

A “marker” for the reapers. He marks those meant to die with his spray-can as opposed to using a list. 

While he can do the reaping himself, he chooses that marking is more fun. 

Significant Other: Teio