Zaith Lopez



6 years, 9 months ago


Zaith Lopez Neri
121 Years Old
Wood Elf


Flirt • Kind Hearted • Comedic Relief • Gratutitous Spanish

Until recently, Zaith spent his life with his parents in their bakery, occassionally involving himself in trouble here and there. After being exiled from his home town, he travelled, looking for opportunities to gain money for survival. Now he travels with a group of adventurers he stumbled across on his travels, who have become bigger parts in his life than he had anticipated.

Zaith is probably the most honest rogue around, but that doesn't mean he's not capable of lying - especially if he's feeling vulnerable. He tries to do what he can for those around him, keeping others best interests in mind if he can. He cannot resist a pretty face or a gamble, often taking high risks for big rewards, or sometimes small rewards. Best described as an altruistic wild card.


  • Fashion
  • Gambling
  • Parties
  • Flirting


  • Silence
  • Small Spaces
  • Solitude
  • Pressure
"When in doubt, flirt it out"


Born in Katyr; Zaith grew up helping his Mother (Bianca) and Father (Elias) in the bakery, learning the tricks of the trade - He can make some delicious pastries and other baked goods thanks to this upbringing. As life went along, he and his friends ended up pulling tricks on the locals, having them glued to their seats, hanging on his every word and practically wrapped around his finger. This soon lead to working the bakery by day and pulling scams in the evening, selling coloured liquids that he claims to be elixirs of luck, youth, beauty, etc, whatever his mark seemed to be most interested in. Mostly selling these items under a false identity - he would use his face as an example of either youth or beauty to those who were from out of town, fooling many. His best friend (Javier) tried to discourage Zaith from his scams, but wasn't successful.

Thanks to his scams, he had found himself a little more fortune. He soon took to living it up, spending his money on frivolous things, heading out to bars for drinks and more so; gambling. The gambling (Playing Cards, etc) and unnecessary purchases soon ended up in debt for Zaith. He had joined the Ravens and had been a part of them for a fair amount of time, being very close with their leader and ended up asking for money to pay off these debts, to which the leader (Joaquin) had agreed as a favour. Zaith never paid back the money, only borrowed more without permission and soon found himself in incredible debt. On top of the debt he had slept with the leader's fiancé.

After so much betrayal, Joaquin met with Zaith to give an ultimatum, either he leave the city/Katyr, his family and friends behind, or he would have a duel to the death with Joaquin, which would reward him with a clean slate should he win. Speaking to his best friend, Zaith decided to leave as he was not prepared to fight Joaquin and decided for the sake of his family, their bakery and his friends, that he would leave, never to return. He took this as an opportunity to travel and earn the money to repay them.

Zaith knew that Joaquin found out from Javier but does not feel betrayed. Deciding it was better this way.


• Zaith's hair is never styled aside from a braid on the right behind his ear (To show off his earrings)

• Prefers turtle necks with no sleeves in all clothing. Usually wears warmer colours.

• Very proud of his body and will always have something on show.(Legs, Arms, etc)

• Only wears gold jewellry, as it compliments his skin colour.

• Always wears a heel, even if just an inch.


• Spent a few years travelling as his drag persona; Estralaga

• Has a salamander he refers to as a gecko.

• 7,000g in debt to his previous gang.

• Has a daughter he's never met, to a woman he hates.

• Addicted to gambling, bet his left ear and lost.

• Loves scarves... too much.



Yukimura Hotaka

Met back in Tancha. Known Hotaka the longest. Confused him for a frail old blind man who needed his help and stayed with him to ensure he was safe. When on a scouting mission to get some money, Hotaka showed that he definitely was not in need of help and was extremely capable - turning out to be a very strong samurai. Impressed, Zaith took to idolising Hotaka.


Asra Evanwood

Met in Tancha with Hotaka. Asra was singing in a bar and captured Zaith's interest immediately, being so skilled in his music and also being attractive. Zaith flirted with him but was turned down, not being disheartened he and Hotaka invited Asra along and the three travelled to Iriyan together. Over time Zaith grew closer to Asra and now considers him his best friend.



Met in Iriyan. During the scouting mission Zaith met Xemphos and was a little unsure about him at first due to Xem's impulsive actions. He eventually found them to be fun and the unpredictability of his actions was like a gamble to him. The two often act as the 'angel' and 'devil' on the shoulders of Asra through his romantic journey (which is hated.)



Met in Iriyan. During the scouting mission Zaith met Malphas and first impressions were that he loved money more than anything and pursued a chaotic and violent lifestyle. Turns out those first impressions were true, though once after Zaith lockpicked a chest for Malphas, he was rewarded with a spinning top toy.


Bryn Ternel

Met at a Party. Zaith was immediately suspicious of Bryn but tried to be friendly as he realised Xemphos and Malphas were on good terms with her. Learned that she was very curious and asked a lot of questions but first announced she had a question. Knowing her much better these days, he finds her fun to be around and trusts her.


Maxine Hawke

Met in Iriyan. Upon first meeting, Zaith found Hawke to be attractive yet mean and wasn't sure why she was so hostile to him. After getting to know each other and many flirts from Zaith, the two began to become romantically involved but pursued others and drifted apart. Eventually Hawke took off in the middle of the night without explanation. They've not spoken since.

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