Raimi's Comments

I’ll offer $20!

Theyre worth a little more than 20$ but if you're willing to do more ill deffo consider !! :')

Would $30 work?

Yes! I'll take that. I'll dm you in a bit :)

Anyone in my 03 folder or 04 folder?

Sorry I didn't see anyone I'd use </3

No worries, thanks for looking

Hi I’m sorry for asking but would anyone from my Toyhouse interest you?


i could also offer art

no need to apologize!! I didnt see anyone I'd use and I'd rather not take art for them but thank you for the offer anyways!! ♡

I can offer ocs in my ufo, or ocs in my other folders. The only folder off limits is the “me” folder!

Sorry, I didnt see anyone I would use, but thank you for the offer 🥺

Around how much were you looking for?

I got them for $15 but they've got a bit of extra art so maybe around $20


I noticed you asked for paypal offers but if you were interested in trades at all, anyone in https://toyhou.se/12495609.nyaruhodo-swaps that's not in the redesigning folder are available! Or, anything on this account not tagged NFS are up to be traded as well^^

Sorry, I didnt see anyone I'd use but thank you sm for the offer ♡♡
