◼ The Bad Noodle (Q)



6 years, 8 months ago




Q is a strange little creature consisting of a white mask followed by a small rainbow color-changing orb and a misty tissue-like body. Its body often changes shape and defies physics, but often takes the shape of whatever origami creature Q pleases. If touched it would feel like a very thin, soft tissue that easily breaks away under touch, as if made partially of mist. It appears tattered and broken in comparison to V, but is unconcerned by this. It can be more tattered and broken, and can only be killed by cracking the rainbow orb.


It is quite reserved and 'professional' compared to V. It doesn't have time for play or games, but regards everything with a stern and ominous emotionlessness as it silently drifts about Gamebreaker. It tends to stare and may quietly approach to scan others; though it can be skittish, it is devoted to whatever goal it has. It may or may not listen to Gamebreaker's commands and seems unconcerned if he is hurt, and though it would still heal or revive him if needed, its loyalty is questionable. It speaks very rarely, and when it does it uses deep, robotic-like whirs accompanied by flickering lights on the mask.


Q has the same ability to summon and use Breaker's cube. It doesn't do so often, but when it does it doesn't seem to care for whether or not it has permission. It is much more adept at using the Cube than Breaker and the true extent of its knowledge is unknown, though it does no favors for him and is only interested in making sure he doesn't die. Upon death it would revive Breaker and vice versa.

Q is the only one capable of collecting data for Breaker, which is delivered directly to the Cube. Q's own data cannot be accessed except by Admin; V may be capable, but is unwilling. 

Q is also spiritually and telepathically protected by Breaker's same Antivirus.

It is secretly under Admin's commands alone, and assists Breaker only as part of its job. Breaker is somewhat aware that their alliance is not mutual, but is unconcerned for as long as it is stable.