


2 years, 9 months ago


Link to DeviantArt (#2)

basic information
name: Teviath
gender: Stallion
age: 7 years 3 months
sexuality: Heterosexual
breed: Belgian Warmblood x Spanish Mustang
build: Stocky
physical details
height: 17 hh
coloration: Flaxen Chestnut Pangere Splash
genetics: text here
markings: Splash markings
tail: Flaxen/Cream
hooves: Three ivory, one slate (back right)
eyes: Green
scars None
physical health: 100%
personality depths
traits: Teviath is an unbelievably cold equine. Raised from the minute he was born into a war full of death and deception, he has not a drop of remorse left for anything nor does he trust anyone. He does not believe in friendships or family, as a matter of fact he doesn't believe in anything. He is a four-legged war machine, built to do nothing but move forward and kill. Kill whatever comes at him, he even goes so far as to ruin and torture others he sees with happiness. Such emotions he thinks are but a hormone, that will die out in a few moments. So why not have some fun and put the light out himself?

Ruthless isn't even the word for this brute. He kills on command without reasoning or thought. He doesn't care if the equine has a family back home, or a newborn, or nothing for that matter. Sure, he was separated the moment it was possible from his mother, why does anyone else deserve better? He only understood one thing - to move forward. To take what you could find.
mental health: 100%

history: War. In the midst of a war, the evening sky painted with shades of purple and orange while filled with smoke, a war raged on through a small rural community. Civilians were being shot down and so many others were abandoning everything and running to the west. One human refused to leave, her parents abandoning her as she stayed back with her very heavily pregnant mare. She was a beautiful palomino with such an untouched pelt, it looked like gold. Her face was painted white, and it continued completely down her limbs. In the middle of a war, she was about to give birth. The pre-adult human didn't care if the enemy soldiers raged through her home, all she cared about was her mare and foal living. If the enemy came through they would just steal the horses and take them with the army, and so long as they were alive, she didn't care. Bullets and bombs shook the earth setting the most uneasy atmosphere, but the palomino mare still managed to push that colt out. He came out the color of blood, unsure of the difference the human was frightened and ran. The enemy was outside now as it was. She didn't know if the foal was alive, but the mare was fine and that was her dying wish. As the enemy charged in and found a mother with a minute-old colt, they knew their benefits over their losses from raiding this town. It was a wonderful success, and this blood-colored colt would surely be a prize.

Separated from his mother the minute he was old enough to be weaned, he grew cold. By the age of one he had already been trained to carry half his weight in human supplies, trekking through the deepened mud with his stained cranium high. At 2 years old he was immediately sent for training to be a general's horse, but his personality seemed to reckless. He was too full of himself, too ill-mannered and hyped up at the sight of a battle. For an entire year, they whipped him to be the heartless cold brute he is today. He listens to nothing but orders, doesn't need an explanation to kill anything or anyone, he just acts. His darkened green eyes are filled with nothing but an empty soul. At an unfortunate battle where the general lost nearly all his men and continued to press on, the chestnut equine got so fed up with his childishness and threw him off. He was done fighting for the disgusting two-legged, and as he noticed the blood pouring out of the general's head after a hit to a rock, he smiled and ran off for the forgotten lands. The free lands.
family bonds
Mother: Palomino
Father: Flaxen Chestnut Pangere Splash
siblings: None
extended family: None
children: None
social ties
herd: None
rank: None

mate: None
interactions: None

stolen by: None

steals made: None

battles won: None

battles lost: None
additional information
actions: FFD700
voice: 454B1B
muse: Medium
playlist: Spotify
Reference #2 by Rhianna4554