Astra Galaxia



3 years, 15 days ago


Biographical Information:

Nationality: North American

Place of birth: Earth

Physical Description:

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Eye colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Blue, purple

Fur colour: NA

Personal Information:

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 25

Love interest(s): NA

Allies: Melvin, Rosie (TBA)

Enemies: Threats to the universe

Fighting style: Brawler

Powers: NA

Political Information:

Profession: Space Traveler 

Position: Captain 

Affiliation: Herself

About Astra Galaxia:

Astra is a drop out from the Space Officers Academy. She left everything behind to venture into space to find her sister, who had suddenly disappeared while on a rescue mission. She’s a wanted criminal of Start Dome, thanks to her stealing a curser from them to search for Nova. Astra has made a name for herself across the galaxy as she assists those in need while she travels on her mission. She has seen many wonderful things and has been careful to document all of it, so she’ll be able to show Nova once she finds her. Despite her hardships Astra tries to keep on a happy face and to keep a positive attitude like her sister always did.


Astra was born on a sunny summer day to a small family of three. She had an enthusiastic older sister, Nova, who she’d follow everywhere. The two were never far apart and shared many of the same interests. As years went on Astra got two younger siblings, a sister Celeste, and her brother Nash. Like all families they had their ups and downs but one thing these siblings shared was an interest in space. The four siblings always dreamed of someday joining the Space Officer’s academy and venturing far into the unknown. Nova, being the oldest, was the first to join. There was a big celebration in her honor as she was the youngest to ever do it at the age of 17. 

In only 4 years Nova was one of the top officers at Star Dome, she was even promoted to Capitan. Astra had a year left at the academy and she would soon be able to join her sisters’ journey through the stars. Unfortunately, this never came to be. Her sister was sent off on a mission and she never returned. Not her crew or ship was seen again. The only piece on info they had linked to Nova’s disappearance was a gargled message that was sent from her ship. The only words that could be made out were “Tell her I’m sorry”.
Star Dome held a funeral service in Nova and her team’s honor. Astra however refused to believe her sister was dead. She felt they didn’t look properly or were just writing her sister off. Astra had decided to take matters into her own hands and venture out into space to find her. She wrote a letter to her family, apologizing to them but also promising them she’d find Nova. In the dark of night Astra stole a one-man curser from Star Dome and flew off into the darkest parts of space.


Astra is cheerful but can be sassy when she needs to be. She doesn’t tolerate violence and others who pick on the weak. She has a strong sense of justice and good morals. She can find herself being a downer at times and tries to stay out of her head. Astra always keeps in mind that her sis would want her to keep moving forward despite the odds. She will not tolerate any bad mouthing of her friends or family and will do everything in her power to protect the creatures and people around her.


Astra is smart and tactical. She’s not much of a fighter but is skilled with her blaster. She’s good at sneaking in and out of places and being on the down low. 


  • On her travels Astra has acquired two travel companions. A unicorn named Melvin and a sassy cat named Rosie.
  • Astra loves spicey food
  • She often has trouble sleeping at night
  • She won’t show it, but she feels guilty when she’s having fun on her adventures. Her mission started with looking for her sister and sometimes she feels she not focusing enough time on that even though when she’s alone, all she does is look up on new theories on what could’ve happened.
  • She’s always talking about her sister and how proud she is of her.