Vivi's Comments

would you maybe take art for them :0

i absoloutly love their design ^^

Yeah! What exactly would you offer for em?
Im not too good at judging the value of others work so rather have them decide what they'd like to give in trade for characters 

I'd happy do 2 fulls and a headshot! May take me a bit since I'm using clip instead of my usual art program but if you have discord I can chat with you and send you sketches ^^

i accept :D
Wieik#6969 will discuss on discord c:

alrighty! mines GhostingCrow#2470 i tried adding you but it said you arent accepting friend requests

Would you look at trades for this lad or is it money only? Want to make sure xD

Also apologizes for commenting earlier, I didnt realize I commented on the wrong character^^

I really need to find the setting that is preventing me from getting comment notifs >:(
But i'm looking for art as well! but preferably money since money is rough rn.

No character trades since ive got way too many haha