Paco // Door Kid



2 years, 9 months ago



"don't worry, i will help ya"

Paco is a dimensional traveler and also a doctor focused on people's minds (almost a psychologist, but he acts directly instead of just using words). When he works, he makes a small projection of himself in the person's mind to be able to interact with the patients' projections, but this leaves the physical body both paco and the patients exposed so it must be done carerful.

But outside of work, Paco likes to venture between the different dimensions and meet the unique creatures of each world! He is an adventurous person who is rarely afraid to face anything, which ends up getting him into dangerous situations constantly.


Name Paco/"Door kid"
Age young adult
Gender Male
Species Psycho-portal-door creature
Birthday 25 August
Height 1,56 (can change)
Occupation "Mind doctor"/Adventure

  • adventures and exploration
  • Travel souvenirs (photos, souvenirs, posters, etc.)
  • Talking to others' archetypes

  • Being locked
  • People touching or messing with his travel treasures
  • Cilantro
  • coriander and okra


  • he is thin and has flexible limbs capable of supporting his weight, but no more than that
  • He doesn't like physical contact, at most a few exceptions with people he is very close to
  • Even though he's grown up now some people in the lab still call him "door kid" sometimes
  • His necklace was a b-day gift from the people at the lab, so he always keeps it with him, but after so long the bell no longer makes as much noise as before
  • He can see and even talk to and interact with "personality constructs" and "archetypes" within one's psyche. It's what he usually wears for work, or just when he's exploring someone's mind since some people he's friends with like to talk to him inside their own head (They're usually people who have good mind control or just a little crazy). It often seems like he's talking to himself depending on how he uses his power (still "awake" in the physical world but having his small projection in someone's mind) In such cases the person whose psyche he interacts with may feel the consequences (changes of humor, plans and even worldview) but it also makes some people feel awkward

Design Notes

  • The number and color of the stripes can change (white when calm\default, green when using abilities). The stripes begin to pulsate and move if experiencing strong emotions
  • The eyes on the head are similar in material to limbs, they can change shape and color. Has an extra third eye, but only use sometimes
  • The door symbol can change
  • Preferably drawn with clothing (bag optional) but can be drawn without


Paco was created to make the study of the mind easier in a large laboratory, being used mainly for this purpose and without being able to leave it. Even though he didn't like his job and regularly tried to run away to explore the world (totally failing) he didn't hate living there, people pampered him and treated him like a child, giving him candy or gifts sometimes and in addition making him attend basic classes to learn a little bit of everything.

After Paco grew up a little he was allowed to leave as long as he promised to return before nightfall, and with that he began to enjoy and explore every corner of the city, sometimes accompanied by an employee or just alone. He found these moments amusing and started his own collection of treasures from the places he explored, pins, photos, papers, or just "cute" trash (the lab people called him the little hoarder)

By the time he finally reached adulthood, Paco had already learned a lot, both in normal school subjects and in mind studies, and with his help over all these years the scientists had made enormous progress, so after a great deal of conversation they agreed to leave Paco explore the world and help more people around with problems or traumas. With that he started to explore each place and create several travel diaries (which he keeps in his room in the laboratory). He got the ability to travel across dimensions after finding a relic in an ancient abandoned ruin, he doesn't know where it came from or what that place was but it allows him to travel anywhere once every certain amount of hours, so he constantly visits his home and family and sometimes goes back to these ruins trying to find out what they were

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