


2 years, 8 months ago


Deve (dev-ee)

info on the boy 

the wings over his eyes are magic! If he’s low on magic or energy, they vanish. He uses them bc he’s shy, they’re see through for him, sort of like a one way window! he just doesn’t like directly looking at people.

he’s a couple thousand years old and is from a special race in a world I’m building that are deeply connected to nature, so his magic is rooted in the ability to communicate with plants and animals, and occasionally even the god of nature herself! They’re viewed as demi gods for their incredibly long life span and their ability to manipulate and communicate with nature. Some specialize in a specific variety more than others, such as weather over woodland terrain, but the oldest are quite versed in all variations of nature!

these centaur creatures stop growing, or at least slow down growing, once they turn 1,000 years old (marking full adulthood), Crow boy is around 2,600! he’s playful and sweet, and occasionally shares behaviors with the animals he’s fused with. He’s clever like a crow, good at puzzle solving. Sexuality is irrelevant to these bird centaurs, they also aren’t typically Monogamous with their partners, for how long they live being monogamous has been considering boring. they also hold a lot of respect for general life! sexuality is irrelevant to them, and they have no view of heteronormativity. None of them are specifically straight or specifically gay, though some do have preferences. Crow boy here doesn’t!

ty to anyone who actually read all this lol