
2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Gemini (in reference to having "two faces" aka. being twofaced)

Age: 18 

Species: Mix of a Bunny, Sheep and Cheetah. (I might make an actual species out of this in the future)

Sex: Male

Gender: He doesn't care what you refer to him as, as long as it's something nice

Sexuality: He's very unsure of it, so he just goes by Queer

Personality: Gemini is a very sweet, clumsy guy, who is protective over his friends and family and who is very forgiving to people. However, if you consistantly treat him poorly or use his naive nature against him, his personality will turn around and he'll become mean and aggressive towards you. Gemini knows his ways of destroying someone's whole career/life without having o use violence, however, he will use violence if the oppurtunity presents itself. All of this negativity is shown through his Oni-mask, which he likes to wear whenever he is switching personality traits.

Style: He likes to go for a comfortable skater-look, with oversized shirts and pants. Either way, he can't wear tight shirts because it feels uncomfortable for his second mouth on his belly.


The second mouth that runs across his belly has it's own mind. Gemini has no control over it, even if it's attached to him.

The mouth on his stomache is always hungry, so Gemini spends a lot of his time searching for food. While gemini doesn't gain weight from eating this much, he certainly gets a lot of energy, which results in him being very hyperactive after feeding his second mouth with food. If Gemini doesn't find enough food to satisfy the second mouth, he will feed it with anything he can find,,, stones, wood, garbage, etc. If he doesn't feed it every few hours, it will slowly start to take over his body and search for food, making no difference between fruits and close friends.

Gemini won the Oni-mask he always carries around at a festival. The mask was nothing special, it was kind of ugly and even cheaply made, but when he saw it, he felt weirdly drawn to it, so he played the game until he got it. Since then, it's been one of his favorite possessions.

Gemini's mother was a sheep-bunny mix and his father was a cheetah, so that is how he ended up being a mic of all three. He has voluminous, curly hair running down his back like a sheep and the soft, semi-long ears of a bunny. However, he mostly looks like a cheetah with his faceshape, fangs, claws, spots, tail and overall body type. Due to being part bunny he is slightly shorter than the average cheetah. Somewhere in his blood lineage, there is also bat blood, which is the reason why he has those tiny wings. They don't really have a purpose since they are too small to use and sometimes they get in the way, but Gemini likes them anyways, since none of his close relatives have them, which makes him stand out more. B also,, because he enjoys not being a pure-breed. Even though he hates getting treated poorly or bullied, he loves seing the shocked faces people make, while they try to figure out, what kind of animal he is.

Worth: 6K