


2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Andi Nyx
Alignment: Neutral Good
Species: Sandbar Shark
Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them
Likes:  Skateboarding, Surfing, Baggy clothing, Overly sweet coffee, Holding hands, Music
Dislikes: People who gatekeep music or interests, Country music, When his earbuds die
Sexuality: Demisexual
Personality: Andi Nyx is a free-spirited individual who embodies the essence of individuality and acceptance. With a natural inclination towards neutrality and goodness, Andi seeks harmony and understanding in their interactions with others. He/They embraces a fluid identity and uses multiple pronouns, allowing for a diverse and inclusive self-expression.

Andi's passions and interests reflect their love for exploration and the freedom of movement. Skateboarding and surfing are not only hobbies to Andi but ways of life, allowing them to tap into a sense of exhilaration and escape from the constraints of everyday existence. They can often be found cruising along the streets or riding the waves, effortlessly maneuvering with a sense of grace and skill.

Their fashion choices reflect their carefree and non-conforming spirit. Andi favors baggy clothing that allows for ease of movement, emphasizing comfort over trends. Their wardrobe may consist of oversized graphic tees, loose-fitting jeans or cargo pants, and sneakers. They embrace an eclectic mix of styles, adding a unique flair to their overall appearance.

Andi finds solace and inspiration in the power of music. They have a deep appreciation for various genres and find joy in exploring new sounds. However, Andi strongly dislikes people who engage in gatekeeping, believing that music and personal interests should be celebrated and inclusive. Country music, in particular, fails to resonate with Andi's tastes, but they remain respectful of others' preferences.

With a demisexual orientation, Andi forms deep emotional connections with others before developing any sexual attraction. They value meaningful connections and are drawn to the complexities of the human experience beyond physical desire alone. Holding hands is a gesture that holds particular significance for Andi, symbolizing intimacy, trust, and a connection that transcends words.

While Andi radiates a sense of openness and acceptance, there are moments of frustration. One particular annoyance is when their earbuds unexpectedly die, temporarily severing their connection to the musical world that brings them solace and inspiration.

Andi Nyx's presence is a celebration of individuality, fluidity, and the pursuit of meaningful connections. They inspire others to embrace their authentic selves and foster an environment of inclusivity and acceptance. Andi's journey is one of self-discovery, breaking down barriers, and creating a world where diversity and personal freedom are cherished.