


6 years, 9 months ago


Name: Arika Tsunka

Age: 16

Siblings: none

Parents: Rei and Raiko Tsunka

Talents: she is on the archery team/swim team

Job: none

Bust: 25-28 C

Waist: 06-08 M

Hips: 12

Height: 5'7

Likes: swimming;Rika; the color pink; archery

Dislikes: people who bully Rika; following rules


Favorite Food: red velvet cake

Best Friend: none

(to some degree Rika )

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none

School info:

she is extremely popular in her school; she is considered by many to be the school's "Queen"


she acts rather coldly to most people; she appears as a "cold beauty" and therefore is somewhat worshipped as a queen.

she believes she has the right to follow her own rules and not the schools (once they expelled her and 90% of the school left with her)  


Extra info:

she has lived right next door to Rika their whole life they played in diapers together; for a long time they were really close but as they grew up (starting in middle school) Arika blossomed beautifully were as Rika still had a childish look to her

Arika became more and more popular and Rika continued to be made fun of.

Arika still deeply cares for Rika (though they don't interact much anymore) Arika bullies those who pick on Rika (she is somewhat like Rika's silent protector )


Bullet; Purple Seires info:

Which Corpse Party are they from: The Original (with Naomi and Satoshi )

Anime Ending:

she gets her head bashed in by the ghost under the bed in the infirmary

Manga Ending:

1 classmate (Tsuna ) tries to offer Rika to the ghosts so that the others could make a run for it. Arika refuses to let them do it to the unconscious Rika

she ends up in a big fight with him and cuts his throat with her scissors afterwards his spirit kills her with her scissors

Game Bad Ending:

she gets her throat cut by Yuuya; after find out about the rape she goes on a hunt to try and kill Yuuya but fails and he kills her instead (though she does mortally wound him)

Game Good Ending:

she escapes

Weapon of Choice: her manicure kit and intimidation


 Fandom Family Info:

which OC they are connected to: Rika

how they are connected to that OC:

Childhood friend and next door neighbor