Michael Davis (mikey)



2 years, 9 months ago


This tiger belongs to my bff stan! ((M0th_Mann on toyhou.se)) He let me put mikey on my TH for convenience and organization.  

Full name;

Michaelangelo Alexandria Fransisco Davis (the third)

Although he rarely mentions his full title, he often introduces himself as "Micheal Alexandria Davis" for less of a mouthful.


Mikey, Mike, snowflake, kitty, kitten, "diamant étincelant" ("sparkling diamond", used by members of the Davis family, also a title used for him by those that serve the Davis estate. He hates this one.), 


 Tiger. Specific species of tiger is unknown.








Gay as fuck. He prefers masculine men to be precise. He can be played as bisexual if I like the story idea though.

Physical description;

Mikey is a rather tall tiger, standing at a whopping seven foot two with a strong build. He has a trim, muscular frame, aside from a hint of softness around the belly. The majority of him is a creamy white, except for pale purple for his stripes, ears, ect. His eyes are a pale lime green, but can be vibrant under the right lighting. His hair matches the milky white that covers the majority of him. Mikey's paw beans are a pale pink, and his nose and brows are black.  Mikey's hands are thick fingered, resembling a mix between paws and hands, and making delicate tasks like lock picking or picking up tiny objects a tad difficult without the use of his claws, which are roughly two inches long and razor sharp. Bonus: he has the Rose's gang insignia on his back, across his shoulder blades and upper back to both show his contractual servitude towards them, and his affiliation with the group. He is also overtly fluffy for whatever reason, soft too. 


Karma City, New York (United States, Karma is part of the world build, it's not a real city.) Hails from The Davis estate in France, commonly known as a family owned town named Azmar. (Also not a real place) 


A man of many hats, Mikey is a high ranking member of the roses. He is third in command, and some of his "hats" for the rose's include an accountant with a love of committing tax fraud, trauma medic when one of the roses gets seriously injured, caregiver for the younger roses (he pretty much adopts any rose under the age of 19, Mikey has maybe twenty adopted children as a result, which he would give his life for), Occasionally being a bouncer for the club, and being a bodyguard for thier leader; Sam. He also has the pleasure of one of his favorite pastimes, interrogating prisoners and keeping them in line, he's quite the sadist actually. He loves the constant work as it keeps him busy, helping the cat enjoy the rare break from work much more. 

Personality summary/general facts:

Mikey believes in keeping a professional demeanor above anything else, true to the Davis etiquette of keeping face value. While Mikey is near constantly grinning, a professional, customer service smile is his signature expression. He is also a bit too invested in his appearance, following the upbringing of needing to be the picture perfect future face of Azmar, he's often caught fixing wrinkles in his clothing or smoothing out nonexistent ones. The same goes for using anything reflective to check if his hair and face are groomed the way they're supposed to be. That being said, anyone who messes up his clothes or looks will see a different side of him. As well mannered as he is, it can flip in a heartbeat to let some rather savage, sadistic, and cruel colors fly, another Davis trait is their unwavering cruelty and long standing grudges towards people they think have wronged them in some way. Mikey does have a softer side, though, despite rarely showing it he can be very kind hearted to the few he genuinely cares about, and pretty much any child he happens across. He has a soft spot for children, which is the main reason he has adopted nearly half the roses. Despite being sterile, he desperately wants a kid of his own.

Fun fact: Mikey adores dancing, and sees it as an intimate experience that he will only share with a lover. 

Fun fact 2: despite no longer being sick, Mikey is still limited in physical ability. For example, despite his fitness and stamina, he can only run a short distance before having to stop to gasp for air. The scar tissue in his lungs limits his lung capacity. He also struggles in dirty air, or very Dusty areas (i.e. sandstorms, enclosed Dusty areas, fires if they have too much ash) impure/very dirty air triggers something similar to, but not quite, an asthma attack. An inhaler treats these occurrences very well, so he carries a couple around on him at all times.

Instruments he plays: 

Piano (his favorite), flute (almost never plays), violin


Playing piano, cooking, hunting, chase, pelting, and more to be added later.

His backstory will be a literature. Click the book thing to find and read it if interested. I feel it's a little too long to be in this bio

Alignment; lawful evil