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Not really anyone I connect with, I’m sorry :/

Anyone from my tertiarie?

Nobody I connect with, sorry! :/

All good :)

I offer anyone in these folders

And if you didn't see anyone you like I also offer my ych ^^

Sorry for the late reply! Not really seeing anyone though :/

As for the Ych, I’m guessing that offer is now closed? 

No the offer for the ych is still up ^^ if u want it I can also do multiple on the ych. 

Oooo I’ll have to think about that 👀

I think I just don’t feel completely willing to let her go for an art trade atm, really sorry :/

its ok tysm for thinking about it 

how much in usd would you be looking for?

Around $20-25

hi there - are they still ufs?

They are!! Sorry for the late reply, but yes they are!

see anyone here: ??
preferably not in primary as theyre very tent!! but i might trade some!!

Aaah, I don’t think so, sorry .-.