Markie Kiyven



6 years, 9 months ago


-another anxious bean
-he draws and paints and also does simple woodshop things like making shelves or crates to put stuff in and things like that
-he once had a crush on Bithel but ruined any chance of a relationship between them for not being there for her once when Lelian was bullying her. This still haunts him in the back of his mind since he was never able to apologize and is not too afraid to approach her since she hates his guts.
-he now has a crush on Darcii but she's a lesbian so rip Markie, you never win
-he's still really good friends with her though and he makes sure to spend as much time with her every day because she gets lonely in the woods. Not to mentions she's extremely fragile and sickly so he makes sure she doesn't freaking die because why the hell is someone so ill and weak living by herself in the woods like that just spells disaster
-he brings a wagon when he goes to visit her filled with food and medicine and just fun stuff for her to do including books. He even made her own bookshelf by hand since again he does that.
-he also helps her go look for and catch frogs because she really likes them.