Brucie Oflamu



6 years, 9 months ago


-very edgy and grumpy
-its just to hide the pain though
-He's the one Lelian fucked up the most hence why he's so angry like he tore apart his heart and head man
-often punches and breaks things to release anger and because he'd rather feel physical pain than emotional pain
-super sarcastic and EXTREMELY STuBBORN
-swears way too much
-honestly he will fight you on anything you need to have a lot of patience for him
-he's honestly a big baby though deep inside don't let his tough exterior fool you
-has a soft spot for kids which is why he's so close to Strini but he won't freaking admit it. Secretly he loves having her around, she makes him feel a little better and she's smart enough to know when he's being sarcastic and is equally as stubborn as to not give up on him.
-holy cow does she freaking annoy him too sometimes though. if that pig tracks mud through his house one more time he swears to god. but again secretly he doesn't actually care and finds her antics charming almost but won't admit it
-they have a really strong brother/sister relationship and it gives me life honestly,,,, I love them they have probs my fave dynamic of all my trolls and I think about the two of them often.
-he does parkour, can often be found hanging upside down in trees, and plays video games though he sUCKS at it. He'll just rage and throw the controller blaming it on the game though, he thinks he's so good.
-once he finds out about Irokue he 1) teases her all the time asking is he's her boyfriend and 2) does what he can to make sure they can hang out together safely since Irokue is a mutant.
-after Irokue dies he helps to train Strini to be tougher to help them fight because she insisted he do so and he can't actually say no to her

-human setting my friend and I are going to stage it somehow that him and Sephyr and distant relatives and that Strini and Sephyr are actually siblings but some sort of family drama happens where Strini is made to be with Brucie and grows up thinking he's her brother. idk how its gonna work out in the end but something like that because Strini seemed like she'd be related to Sephyr and humanized Strini is gonna be a white freckled red head where Brucie is like,,, hispanic or something along those lines. I wanted to keep their brother sister dynamic but like,,, unless they were actually siblings or something there would be no reason he would have met her because she is a child and because one of them would have to be adopted which I didnt want. Or at least like not how it would have been because I guess she's technically adopted right now???? maybe???

Also with Irokue in the human setting he's a kid at the orphanage that sneaks out a lot and eventually it just gets to the point that no one even cares anymore. Brucie just kinda calls the orphanage every time he shows up and is like "yeah the kid is here we'll bring him back when they're done playing". The people at the orphanage obvi weren't happy about him leaving at first but he just,,, kept,,,, doing it,,, and well he comes back safely, the kid is freaking weird so it gets them out of the staffs hair, and its lowkey good for him I guess since he has a friend?? Plus they probs feed and treat him better ngl. There's not a whole lot of hope for him to be adopted so they just kinda let it go.